WYNONNA EARP Recap: Walking after Midnight
I can’t believe we are only 1/2 way done with this season because it has already ramped up to 11 on the story scale.
Let’s just get him out of the way. He gets called away by his boss and she isn’t happy. She spends the episode telling Dolls he is going to be reassigned. At the end of the episode Dolls, desperate to get back to Purgatory, tells her he has something she has never seen. Not a Revenant, not a demon. She looks intrigued. I am looking at the screen appalled because I can only assume he means Doc.
Doc Holliday and Waverly
Waverly is planning a party for a friend of hers. The party doesn’t go very well, but thankfully Doc, who has taken her offer to stay on their land, shows up. It’s going better but then The Blacksmith shows up. She has been tortured by the Stone Witch. A witch who is on her way. The Blacksmith tells Doc how to kill the Stone Witch. He is too vengeful to listen. He wants to kill the Stone Witch…now!
Stone Witch
She shows up at the Earp homestead and she has a few tricks up her sleeve. Mainly she can turn people into zombies. So she has her zombie minions attempt to get the skull that Waverly was given last episode. Doc and Waverly manage to hold them at bay. Waverly asks her why she is so mad at Doc. She says Doc was loved by Earp and Earp killed her boys. Apparently Doc isn’t the only one who is carrying a grudge. She just needs the skull and she will leave Waverly alone. Waverly is a stubborn one and she throws the skull against the barn door, shattering it. That doesn’t go over very well but Doc manages to get a shot off and the witch decides to flee.
Wynonna and The Deputy
After Dolls takes off Wynonna hangs out at the office talking to the deputy that likes Waverly. I can’t remember her name…
Wynonna sees a case file and goes to the morgue to see the body. She sees a spade shaped brand on the neck of the latest victim. The spade shape was also on the walking stick of the last of The Seven. Before she can do too much more Waverly calls.
The next morning Wynonna promises to tell the deputy what she can about what is going on in Purgatory. Only moments after they drive off Doc hears old timey music coming from the deputies car. The car’s doors are open, there is blood on the doors and the deputy and Wynonna are no where to be seen.
One more comment:
Waverly tells Doc he is in love with Wynonna. He lies badly that he isn’t. Can’t wait to see where that goes.
Wynonna Earp airs Friday 10/9c on Syfy