Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtable: “Emancipation”
This week on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hive pushed forward his plan to turn humans into Inhumans, using Daisy’s blood to get the job done. It appeared something went very wrong in the process, it created mutant versions on the Inhumans instead, but Hive was satisfied that the process worked and ordered more. Talbot toured SHIELD, discussing plans to register all Inhumans due to their inherent danger. What he didn’t know was Coulson was keeping him distracted while May and Lincoln executed a plan to send Lash into Hive’s lair. Lash didn’t succeed in killing Hive, but he did manage to free Daisy from Hive’s control. Hive died in the process, but Daisy managed to escape and return to SHIELD.
1. Were you taken in by May and Lincoln’s ploy to trick Daisy into thinking Lincoln would do anything to get to her?
Roz: I did fall for May and Lincoln’s ploy to trick Daisy and I think that’s a good thing. We’ve been made to relate to Daisy for so long so to follow her logic (and fail with her) was sort of fitting.
Rueben: For once, I didn’t see any of that coming until the reveal. Great plan and great surprise.
Jan: Hook, line, and sinker. I suspected he might have a plan, but thought he was acting alone and recklessly (as usual), by going to her on his own. I was glad to see it was a well executed team plan instead.
2. Talbot revealed that Hive possesses a nuclear warhead, which he can use to create mass numbers of Inhumans. How does S.H.I.E.L.D. stop him now, when it seemed Lash was their only chance?
Roz: I hope there’s a way to stop him, but it’s not looking good to me right now. Is there some sort of EMP that will stop one of those?
Rueben: I can’t even begin to comprehend what they can possibly use to stop him now especially since Lash didn’t take him down. But it’s clear that he was here to save Daisy from HIVE, but what was put here to stop HIVE. And if there is something that can stop him, they need to find it fast.
Jan: Things are not looking good for the team. At least they have Daisy back, and all the knowledge she attained during her stay with Hive, but they aren’t any closer to finding a weapon to defeat him than they were before. Things look grim.
3. Any thoughts on why Hive didn’t want to “improve” on the “abomination” Inhumans?
Roz: He’s that dad who loves his “kids” no matter what. Or he’s just happy that the science succeeded and takes what he’s given. *shrugs*
Rueben: I’m not quite sure, but I’m gonna guess that they are easier to control when they’re aren’t full-functioning human-like Inhumans. Does that make sense? Maybe it’s because he can control them better??
Jan: I’m a bit uncertain on this, too, but I think Rueben’s answer is pretty much along the lines of what I’m thinking. Somehow, and I’m not sure how, but Hive must see some advantage to their being different.
4. Lash failed at destroying Hive, but succeeded in freeing Daisy from Hive’s spell. Were you surprised that he not only had that ability, but that he would have the presence of mind to use it?
Roz: There were so many parts of Lash that we didn’t know about, so the fact that he could remove Hive’s Sway from her was a great thing to see, even if he couldn’t kill Hive. I think Lash and Andrew have always had a good influence on Daisy so it’s a nice way for him to leave the show.
Rueben: Yes, I was surprised that Lash had the ability to remove the “sway” HIVE had on Daisy. I wasn’t expecting him to have that power. But given that he did that, I think there was a little bit of Andrew left inside him after all. At least that’s how I’m gonna see it.
Jan: Even when he was a monster, Lash had just a touch of awesome in him. I’m glad he was able to cure Daisy, but at the same time I’m cognizant that there is still no cure they can use for other Inhuman’s Hive infects….it was a one shot thing. It was a good sendoff for Andrew/Lash though.
5. What was your favorite scene in Emancipation?
Roz: Probably the reveal of the bait and switch on Daisy and Talbot.
Rueben: I have to agree with Roz that the bait and switch between Lincoln and May – while Coulson kept Talbot busy – was really slick.
Jan: Sam. Loved the reveal that it was Lash on the plane sent to meet Hive, not Lincoln.
6. Was there an MVP this week?
Roz: Mack’s heart is still so impressive that I want to always hug him.
Rueben: I think that might have to go to Lincoln this time around for not only fooling Daisy but also by fooling us viewers by making her (and us) believe that he wanted nothing more that to be with her.
Jan: Lash! He got the real Daisy back, and even managed to mess up Hive’s day a bit in the process. I’m just sad he had to die in the process.
Photos courtesy ABC/Kelsey McNeal