BLINDSPOT Roundtable: Of Whose Uneasy Route
Blindspot is just about to wrap their first season so lets recap the episode title anagrams and then we can talk about this episode.
Cease Forcing Enemy (In Case Of Emergency)
Scientists Hollow Fortune (Follow These Instructions)
Erase Weary Youth (Stay Where You Are)
Rules in Defiance (Find a Secure Line)
Older Cutthroat Canyon (To Contact Your Handler)
Any Wounded Thief (Find What You Need)
Mans Telepathic Loyal Lookouts (In Almost the Last Place You Look)
One Begets Technique (To Begin the Sequence)
In the Comet of Us (Focus on the Time)
Swift Hardhearted Stone (Then Head First Road West)
Of Whose Uneasy Route (To Your new Safe House)
This week the FBI building got hacked putting them on lock down. Some of the team is stuck with the last person they want to be in a locked room with. Reade with Sarah, Zapata with Mayweather. It makes for some awkward, emotionally charged talks.
Thanks to Patterson’s brains coupled with Weller and Jane’s teamwork they managed to neutralize the threat. However, by the end of the episode Mayweather was being arrested for murder and it looks like Jane’s secret friends orchestrated it.
Patterson is the most badass, right?
Roz: Yes, she is a badass. I love that she thinks about the whole situation so that they could get from their initial locations into her lab.
Leah: She certainly is. I love how she can crawl through vents with Jane and hot wire a blast door with equal proficiency. She really came through tonight.
Lisa: Yes, bow down to the queen!!! I love Patterson! She is so badass.
What do you think about the framing of Mayfair? Is that really their end game?
Roz: I think the framing was an interesting long-term goal, but I think it does test Jane and what she thinks of Oscar now. It seems like a first step for Oscar and everyone else, though.
Leah: My problem is of all the people who are corrupt they put all of this energy into taking down Mayweather. She, for the most part, is a good person. I don’t get the point and it better not be their end game. A whole season leading up to that will not sit well with me.
Lisa: I was really unhappy to see how Mayfair was framed. I wonder what Jane will do now that she knows. I think the guilt is going to get to her. I definitely don’t think that was their end game. Just a piece to a much larger puzzle. I can’t wait ti see how this story unfolds.
How did you like a case of the week that didn’t directly relate to a tattoo?
Roz: I actually loved that it wasn’t a tattoo case, but something more like a bottle episode especially right before the finale next week. There have been so many different stories working at cross purposes, but now everyone knows more about someone they didn’t until then.
Leah: I liked the no tattoo story because it all came full circle in the end but I was a little disappointed in the lack of story involving the hackers. I know that wasn’t the point of the episode, but a little background into them would have made me happy.
Lisa: I liked it. It felt right in line with everything else. It’s good to see that the story can push forward without the tatoos.
Extra comment: How sad was it Sara told Reid that she was moving to Portland! The look on his face! I was hoiping they would talk while they wee stuck in the elevator and work it out. I liked them together as a couple.
BLINDSPOT airs Monday 10/9c on NBC