BLINDSPOT Roundtable: In the Comet of Us
You know how I like the anagrams for the episode titles so lets get those out of the way:
Cease Forcing Enemy (In Case Of Emergency)
Scientists Hollow Fortune (Follow These Instructions)
Erase Weary Youth (Stay Where You Are)
Rules in Defiance (Find a Secure Line)
Older Cutthroat Canyon (To Contact Your Handler)
Any Wounded Thief (Find What You Need)
Mans Telepathic Loyal Lookouts (In Almost the Last Place You Look)
One Begets Technique (To Begin the Sequence)
In the Comet of Us (Focus on the Time)
Now – Tonight’s episode has the team at Hudson University to investigate a link to a tattoo when a shooting occurs. They track down the shooters to find out something much worse is going on. Which is par for this show when it comes to a tattoo connection.
How messed up was Mayfair’s ex for showing back up for money so she could run again? We’re you surprised Mayfair gave her all if her savings?
Roz: Pretty messed up, but I suppose if you’re involved in governmental conspiracies, anything goes. I’m not shocked Mayfair gave up all that cash, just because I think she wants that part of the story behind her.
Leah: I just hope her popping up has some bearing on things to come because it was completely out of the blue and not really connected for me. I can’t believe that while running from some scary people she chose to reenter the US to get cash. Doesn’t she have Skype or FaceTime or something? I’m not surprised that Mayfair gave her money though.
The flashbacks to earlier in the day for each team member was very personal. What was more surprising…Zapata actually going to a gamblers anonymous meeting or Reade having a tailor?
Roz: I think both of those flashbacks for Zapata and Reade helped make them more than just agents. I like that Zapata is finally going to GA for her issues and I find it amusing that Reade has a tailor who choose to give him a bowtie.
Leah: I thought Reade got the short end of that flashback story line. Weller’s Dad is dying. Zapata is at a GA meeting. Jane is dealing with her ex-fiance/handler and Reade picks out a bow tie to get over his breakup.
What do you think the people behind Jane’s tattoo’s are planning with Carter’s body?
Roz: Hell if I know what they’re doing, but I’m guessing part of it has to do with dumping the body and planting evidence to Mayfair or Weller.
Leah: The fact that the handler guy is having cold feet because he is getting closer with Jane again makes me worry about what they are about to do. No idea what it is though.
Blindspot airs Monday 10/9c on NBC