12 MONKEYS: “Year of the Monkey” Three OMG Moments
Season Two jumped right back into the crazy that I love about this show. It’s not easy to make a show that time jumps. It’s even harder to do it well and 12 Monkeys does it very very well.
Deacon Does the Right Thing
I don’t want to get too carried away because let’s be honest, he did it for selfish reasons, but he did it none the less.
In 2043 he helps Cassandra take out the Twelve controlling the facility. This is after six of them make the jump back to varying places. Better late than never.
Their plan works and they get the machine running after all the power surging and gun fire.
Cole and Cassandra
They are a favorite TV couple of mine. If this show keeps them apart or at odds the whole season I will be annoyed. You would think they would be ecstatic to see each other, but no. They end the episode guns drawn – AT. EACH. OTHER. At odds over whether to kill Jennifer or not. Thankfully Ramse and Cole have decided to stick together because if their bromance fails I will be distraught.
This isn’t so much an OMG moment as it is my favorite moment.
Jennifer is crazy. Like crazy crazy. She is walking around Manhattan with her vial of world ending plague deciding what to do with it. She decides to go to a speed dating event and asks the guy across from her what she should do. She goes so far as to pull a gun out and beg him to shoot her. Her monologues are some of the best on TV.
12 Monkeys airs Monday 9/8c on Syfy