Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtable: “Paradise Lost”
Malick’s back story was revealed, and we learned that he’s been a bad guy since a very young age, when he sacrificed his brother to save himself. He was sure Hive had plans to kill him, but Hive had other plans. Hive sacrificed Malick’s daughter, Stephanie. The S.H.I.E.L.D. team tried to learn more about what Hive has been up to, and wind up with Giyera on wreaking havoc on their plane and causing it to lose control.
1. While we saw Coulson worrying that his actions with Ward would come back to haunt him, in this episode it’s Malick who had reason to fear Hive’s memories. What did you think of the reveal that Malick sacrificed his own brother to protect himself?
Roz: It fits for Malick to be strong, but also weak when it comes to making difficult choices. I think he found himself stronger than his brother, but now I wonder what could have happened without that specific sacrifice.
Rueben: I think Malick showed his true colors, that he puts on a good front of being tough, et al; but he is actually a scared little boy who followed directly in his father’s footsteps whether he had originally intended to or not. He wasn’t willing to sacrifice himself but he sure seemed willing to allow his brother to be the victim.
Jan: I don’t think anything about Malick’s sliminess surprises me anymore, but I enjoyed seeing his back story. His actions have come back to bite him now, and he is paying the price.
2. Were you shocked when Stephanie was the Malick that Hive sacrificed?
Roz: No, not really. She was introduced so quickly and not given much to do so she seemed like a lost cause (sad but true).
Rueben: I think I was more bothered with what Hive did to Stephanie than the fact that she was sacrificed.
Jan: I definitely was. I was a bit icked out that she was kissing her “Uncle,” sort of. I’m sad to see Bethany Joy Lenz’ time on the show end so soon, though.
3. Since Malick’s future vision was of him dying (he believed that night), and it was Stephanie who died that night instead, does that mean Daisy’s vision of a team member dying can be changed?
Roz: Maybe these pre-cognitive visions are changeable (and more like the idea of Irene Adler’s gift where there are different threads that could come true), but since we can’t have mutants, I have no real clue what it’ll mean.
Rueben: Isn’t there a saying that we all choose our own destiny by the choices we make? I think that can apply to the precog visions. Just because Daisy saw that vision doesn’t necessarily mean it will happen because of whatever choices are made.
Jan: I certainly hope so. I’m still feeling the loss of Hunter and Bobbi, and hope we don’t lose any more of the team this season.
4.The creepy, abandoned plane scene we have seen glimpses of finally is coming to pass. With few clues to analyze, did you have any idea Giyera would be the cause of the catastrophe?
Roz: No, I didn’t think that Giyera would be the reason for the abandoned plane, but now I’m scared.
Rueben: No, I didn’t expect Giyera to be the cause. Honestly I thought it was something that Hive did.
Jan: I was screaming the entire time that it was a bad idea to take Giyera on the plane. Knowing it was him makes those brief scenes make a lot more sense, though.
5. Lincoln and Daisy realized their only hope of saving their team is the Secret Warriors. Excited at the prospect of seeing them in action as a team?
Roz: Meh, I think we’ve spread the team too thin and also cut out members that gave the show heart. We’re now at a fine layer of peanut butter in a sandwich that’s just going to not be tacky enough to make a good flavor combination later.
Rueben: Since I am not well versed in the Marvel Universe, I really don’t know anything about the Secret Warriors; and I have to agree with Roz that the team is spread thin (and broken apart with the loss of Bobbi and Hunter), and while I’m sure super fans of the universe will love seeing the Secret Warriors in action, I have to wonder what dangerous path this will lead them down.
Jan: I’m very excited to see this! I think having them on every episode would be too much, but enjoy see them show up now and then and show off what they can do.
6. What was your favorite scene in “Paradise Lost”?
Roz: May and Giyera’s fight.
Rueben: Just like Roz, the fight scene between May and Giyera was great.
Jan: I loved May telling Coulson she didn’t kill Ward hard enough.
7. Who was your MVP?
Roz: I’m giving it to May for that fight.
Rueben: May, without question. She is one tough cookie!
Jan: Hard one this week. I’m going to go with Lincoln because of his knowledge and help in getting information the team needed. Since he finally crossed that line a couple of weeks back, he’s becoming a more valuable part of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Photos courtesy ABC/Kelsey McNeal/Justin Lubin