Blindspot Roundtable: Mans Telepathic Loyal Lookouts
Blindspot is hurtling towards the end of it’s freshman season, but before we get into the discussion about the episode, below are the anagrams for the latest titles:
Cease Forcing Enemy (In Case Of Emergency)
Scientists Hollow Fortune (Follow These Instructions)
Erase Weary Youth (Stay Where You Are)
Rules in Defiance (Find a Secure Line)
Older Cutthroat Canyon (To Contact Your Handler)
Any Wounded Thief (Find What You Need)
Mans Telepathic Loyal Lookouts (In Almost the Last Place You Look)
This episode was all about repeating your past mistakes. Patterson tracked a tattoo on her own getting her into some mortal danger. Zapata went down the gambling hole and Jane and Weller proceeded with their separate relationships (both past lovers) that are doomed not to last.
Patterson went out on her own again to solve a tattoo. What was she thinking? Was this just for closure w/David or is she going to continue to act ridiculous. Because doing what got your boyfriend killed in the first place is ridiculous.
Liz: I think this needed to be done for closure. I don’t think she’ll follow another tattoo on her own again. Going rogue got David killed and almost got her killed, so I think she’s learned her lesson by now. I think that last scene with her and David was a way for Patterson to get on with her life, leaving the guilt behind and moving forward with work and relationships. As David said, he was really only a manifestation of her sub conscience.
Lisa: I get that she wanted closure but that was so stupid. She is so much smarted than that.I found myself yelling at the TV “What are you doing?” Becasue you know she could hear me. lol I loved seeing David again and seeing them do what they do best, solving puzzles together.
Roz: I think she was chasing the last idea and memory she had of David and in the end I think it gave her the closer to say that she can move on and find someone (potentially) new to fill that void in her life.
Zapata has chosen again to look into someone on her team. Granted the guy asking isn’t as horrible as Carter but I have to again ask, what is she thinking?
Liz: I think the fact that this guy seems to want to weed out a dirty operation is what’s convincing Zapata to comply. He’s right, the fact that people around Mayfair keep dying raises some serious questions. It’s odd to me that this guy seems to want the same thing as Oscar’s team, leading me to wonder if he’s not one of them.
Lisa: Again I had another “what the hell” moment. She needs to focus on getting her gambling problem in check instead of investigating her teamates. She is starting to annoy me.
Roz: Zapata clearly has her own trust issues with the team and wants more intel than she has. I think it’s a totally dumb idea and she’s really just letting guys hold her gambling over as leverage from some reason or another. I wish she’d get her own personal agency to want to look into these things or just let people TALK to her about issues.
That leaves the case of the week…..are we questioning what the end game is with the tattoos and the people helping Jane?
Liz: I still feel so blind by the end game, and now it seems there may be two? I don’t know, my head hurts. LOL! I still feel that this is all leading to the biggest shocker on TV and I hope I’m not disappointed.
Lisa: Those are great questions. I’m still not convinced those people are helping Jane. The plan is so elaborate I just hope that once we find out the end game it lives up to the hype. It is really hard to imagine what could be so important for them to meticulously plan out this take down. I wonder if Jane will get memory back before they get to that point and how that will affect her. The writers are smart though, because each week I am glued to the TV during Blindspot.
Roz: YES! I’m so confused about the grander scheme of these tattoos now. TO WHAT END SHOW?
If they had all of this knowledge could they really not have taken down these people themselves?
Liz: It depends on the people involved. If they are powerful people, this could be the only way to take them down. Piece by piece and quietly.
Roz: I think the team’s more than capable of taking down all these people as they come to them, but without the tattoos they don’t know where to start looking. I just wish it didn’t seem like such a complicated game for something that’s totally within their wheelhouse, even if the clues require some crazy logical jumps.
Why go about it so elaborately?
Liz: Maybe to keep their intent hidden so well that no one would be able to figure out what they’re intending to do. If they know who they are dealing with, which it seems they do, this may have seemed like their only option.
Roz: I think the elaborate plan has something to do with why Jane’s still so in the dark about her past and what Oscar means. There’s got to be something else floating around in the background for these to eventually pay off the way I want them to.
Blindspot airs Monday 10/9c on NBC