iZombie shows us some sugar
Crank up the Def Leppard, iZombie further explores zombie sexuality this season. First Liv won’t sleep with Major out of fear she’ll turn him into a zombie, then she assumes the role of erotic romance writer and now dominating the champagne room as a stripper.
Strip clubs and funeral homes=best girls night out Peyton returns this episode and pretty much forces Liv to eat stripper brains to help her work a case against Mr. Boss. Ah, the things you do for friends. Peyton, still new to the whole zombie vision thing, expects Liv to just spouting information. She doesn’t understand Liv needs something to trigger a vision, and in this case, it’s a good old fashion strip club. Since Peyton won’t let Liv “work” the room, she gives Peyton a lap dance instead. But still no vision. And kudos to Rose McIver on finding her inner exotic dancer! They finally catch a break from a seemingly reliable fellow stripper.
After the strip club, the girls head to Blaine’s funeral home to confront him about why he’s been canceling his meetings with Peyton. Blaine seems addled and not quite himself, which the girls think its an act. A reasonable assumption on their part, of course, this is Blaine we’re talking about.
New zombie on the loose Rita is a zombie! Guess she didn’t escape from the “secret-not-secret” lab completely unscathed. Maybe she’ll start thinking twice about daddy’s business. And who was the thug who whisked her from Liv’s apartment on the hunt for brain food?
Ravi is onto Major’s secret Ravi sees Major putting something into a safe in his room and acting strange about it. Then while dropping off a report at the police station, Bozzio shows him a photo of Blaine and someone else, and asks if he recognizes the second man. Ravi plans dumb, but knows it’s Major in the photo. His curious, brilliant mind cracks Major’s safe and discovers the tools and notebook Major uses when he freezes the zombies. When Ravi confronts Major about being the Chaos Killer, before Major can explain what’s really going on, the rage reverts him back to a zombie state and Ravi sedates him. Major should have never let Minor the basset hound go.
Back to Blaine I know Blaine’s the bad guy, but seeing him murdered, rising again as a zombie and now a dementia-addled human, doesn’t seem right. Hasn’t the man been tortured enough? Looks like Ravi’s second zombie cure has some kinks to work out. Now Blaine’s henchman thinks he needs to step up and take care of business, and to do this, he becomes a zombie. I’m sure there are other ways to get the job done.
Mama’s boy During all of this, Liv agonizes over Drake’s disappearance. I get it, the hardest part is not knowing why. A visit from a vice cop asking her if she’s seen him further digs the knife deeper in her gut. In a last ditch effort to get answers, Liv visits Drake’s mom. But his mom is wreck; she doesn’t know where her son is. While sitting with his mom and flipping through a photo album, Liv notices a photo of Drake in a police uniform. His mom told him that undercover work was too dangerous. Now that Liv knows, what will she do?
Highlight reel from this episode:
Ravi’s strip tease in the morgue. Google this scene. It’s worth it!
Johnny Frost knocked out by stripper leg. Talk about getting beat up by a girl!
“There’s loyalty and being an idiot. Sometimes they’re both the same.” Liv-ism