LUCIFER Roundtable: Pops
Last nights episode touched on the dysfunction of parent child relationships – something Lucifer is keen to talk about. Elsewhere Maze made a friend and Lucifer did what was best for a friend. Both HUGE steps forward for them.
This episode was all about children dealing with their parents. It was great to meet Chloe’s mom. How much fun was her crazy?
Stacey: Meeting Chloe’s mom was super fun. That dinner scene was hilarious. I’m kinda glad she isn’t sticking around though- I’m not sure how much of her I could take.
Leah: For someone who wasn’t in town for more than two days she sure made a dramatic entrance. Glad she isn’t sticking around, but fun while she was there.
Mynda: It was a nice twist to add in Mama Decker, but I agree with Stacey. Some seasonings are best used sparingly.
Melissa: It was fun to meet Penelope and get a better understanding of why Chloe feels so responsible and serious about life. She had to be the parent from an early age. As Lucifer noted, that explains the way she handles him! However, I’m with the other Nice Girls (and Chloe) in that a little of Penelope goes a long way.
Lisa: I loved her mom! What a fun character. I really hope we get to see more of her. She brought the funny for sure
Dr. Linda and Maze as friends is going to be my new favorite thing. Do you want to see more of them hanging out?
Stacey: Oh my god- yes. This makes me sooo happy I can’t stand it. I want them to be best friends. And then I want to be best friends with them.
Leah: Maze’s tentative smile and invite to Dr. Linda at the end was awesome! The two of them together – I can’t even imagine all of the fantastic possibilities.
Mynda: YESS! The possibilities for hilarity are endless! Over and again Lucifer has continued to surprise in the way they create scenarios for different characters to interact in believable ways. It is a testament to how phenomenal good writing is to a show.
Melissa: I am DELIGHTED by this development! I think Dr. Linda is, too. I do hope we get to see more of Maze and Trixie, though.
Lisa: Dr. Linda and Maze take on the city! Yes,can we have a spin-off? I love their dynamic. I can’t wait to see what kind of trouble those two get into.
Do we care that Dan has gotten himself into mortal trouble?
Stacey: I don’t. Not. At. All.
Leah: I think the point we were supposed to get was that he did the right thing despite disliking Lucifer, but it’s not enough for me. I just don’t see him as a good guy.
Mynda: Nah. I will however, miss the word douche being used in so many creative ways!
Melissa: Could not care less about Det. Douche.
Lisa: Not really. For whatever reason I really have not cared one bit about Dan the whole season. I hate to say that because Kevin Alejandro is a great actor and I love his work, but I just don’t care about this character.
Can we all just agree that Trixie is the best thing ever?
Stacey: Ahhhhh. Trixie and Maze. Stop it. Trixie is literally the best thing ever. “First president of Mars.”
Leah: Maze saying she was like a zookeeper and then pouring her a “Shirley Temple” was all of the adorables.
Mynda: She is the perfect counterpoint of light to some of the dark, themes and black humor. Trixie’s raw honesty gives us all a fresh perspective every time!
Melissa: She went to Luxe to find Lucifer because “he cheers me up.” I mean…setting aside the valid concerns about how she got there in the first place, that was the absolute best.
Lisa: OMG! She is adorable! When she walked in the bar and started talking to Maze it was priceless. She is the #1 scene stealer on this show for sure.
Stacey: Can we all agree that Lucifer in that t-shirt was hilarious?
Leah: YES! He was so uncomfortable in his “loaner” shirt.
Mynda: I am in total agreement with Stacey. I love the clever hilarious odd ball moments in each episode. Did you notice the christmas tree that was still up?
Melissa: The Christmas tree and the T-shirt were amazing sight gags. But can we all agree that as talented as Lauren German is, she doesn’t play “drunk” well? That was painful.
Lisa: And yes! Lucifer in that T-shirt was priceless! I want of T-shirt of Luci wearing that t-Shirt.
Lucifer airs Monday 9/8c on FOX