Why I am Grateful Black Sails Killed Vane
His legacy is worth fighting for. See it again on STARZ Play: https://t.co/kTXSOZTRll #ForVane #BlackSailshttps://t.co/Vxl7A1vm9O
— Black Sails (@BlkSails_STARZ) March 23, 2016
It hurt terribly to see Vane die, but it would have been much harder to watch him sail away into the sunset with a grin and a “Fuck you.”
Captain Charles Vane DESERVED an epic death, and, by God,
Black Sails delivered it in spades!
“Get on with it, Motherfucker” ~ Vane
Fans of Black Sails were catapulted into mourning by Vane’s death, who was executed on screen in a similar fashion to the real pirate nearly three hundred years ago. All the way to the end, we didn’t want to believe. We all knew Black Sails is NO FAIRY TALE. That fact is one of the very reasons we love the series, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t WANT a happy ending for Vane in my heart of hearts. I hoped like before, somehow Vane would miraculously rise again.
“We are many. They are few. To fear death is a choice.
And they can’t hang us all..”~Vane
It’s a funny thing how we can come to love characters in a series. In the beginning, we are drawn into a show by its flash, by the colors and the shiny bright of something new. The journey from viewer to fan happens almost by accident. Black Sails soared straight off the screen and into our hearts by its words. And, words my friends have this amazing power to pierce deeper than any sword or musket shot ever could.
“For those of you who live to see tomorrow,
know that you had a choice.” ~Vane
Words lured us in by crafting a tale so clever and so beautifully brutal that you never wanted it to end. But, to be honest, the best stories, the ones that haunt us, the ones that pierce our marrow almost never involve the shadow of a happy ending. And for that I am profoundly grateful.
Thank you co-creators, John Steinberg and Robert Levine for the prose that was was given the breath of life by an amazing group of talented actors. Thank you Zach McGowan for giving Vane his due and delivering his final words with such raw honesty!
And, it is with all the love in my heart I say: “Fuck you Black Sails for breaking my heart.” Simultaneous love and hate is a complicated matter, for which this fan is most profoundly grateful. Godspeed Charles Vane. Godspeed.
Need more Black Sails? Check out our other stories here! Be sure to tune in with us this Saturday for the season three finale of Black Sails at 9pm only on STARZ. Follow along with us, @nicegirlstv and @PxlWvr as we live tweet the event using the hashtag #ForVane!