Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtable: “Parting Shot”
The S.H.I.E.L.D. team investigated the proposed community for Inhumans, and instead learned of an impending threat to a dignitary. One of the deadliest Inhumans yet set it’s sights on Hunter when he got in it’s way. The only way to save both Hunter and the killer’s target was for Bobbi to kill the threat first. Unfortunately, he was a high profile general, and she had to kill him in front of witnesses. She did it, but in doing so she was burned as a spy. She and Hunter were allowed to walk after much effort from Coulson, but were out in the cold as spies. As they sat in a bar figuring out where they would travel to first, drinks started arriving. When they scanned the bar to see where the drinks came from, they found members of S.H.I.E.L.D. silently toasting them in what Bobbi recognized as a “spies goodbye.” Slowly, each member left until it was only Hunter and Bobbi remaining.
1. Did you find any satisfaction in May and Hunter making peace before everything blew up?
Roz: I think because it was so early in the episode, it didn’t have the punch I wanted it to, but I’m glad that they managed to put things “right” between them.
Rueben: I’m glad they made peace, but as Roz said, it was done early on that it didn’t resonate quite as much once that moving ending played out.
Liz: I had a feeling this was going to be the episode which saw Bobbi and Hunter leave. I was happy with May and Hunter’s reconciliation. May made Hunter see the big picture and I think that’s when Hunter fully realized what May had sacrificed for it. His apology to her was sincere.
Jan: While I have enjoyed watching Hunter’s discomfort at times over May’s comments and glares, it was time for them to put it behind them. It would have felt wrong to leave it unresolved when he departed.
2.Malick’s daughter seemed to be very knowledgeable and comfortable with what he’s been up to with Hive. How would you rate her character’s introduction?
Roz: Smooth introduction with only a few lines but lots of implications. If she and “Hive” start to make out, I may just have to throw my hands in the air in disgust, but she’s got all of Malick’s knowledge and some charm on her side. Oh and looks.
Rueben: The intro of Malick’s daughter was almost a little too short to get a good feel for her, but it’s very clear that she knows exactly what’s going on. So, is it just that daddy shares too many details or is she somehow involved in Hydra too? I also want to add that I like Bethany Joy Lenz so it will be interesting to see how her character plays into the rest of the season.
Liz: I don’t really have any feelings about her just yet.
Jan: I saw Bethany Joy Lenz’ name in the opening credits but in all the emotion of the episode I had forgotten all about it until she turned up onscreen at the end. I’m intrigued by the exchange between she and Malick, and excited to see what the character is about. I like the way Roz put it, “few lines but lots of implications, “ says it perfectly!
3. What will you miss most about Hunter, Bobbi, and what they bring to the show?
Roz: Bobbi’s wit and comebacks, plus her skill. Hunter’s calm in situations.
Rueben: I’m going to miss Hunter more than I thought because he was always thinking on his feet. As for Bobbi, well, she was kick-ass for one, but – like Roz – it’ll be her comebacks that will be missed. Did anyone catch the “Orphan Black” comment? She said “Sistras” to Daisy before their fight against that shadow villain.
Liz: I’ll miss Bobbi’s good sense which comes from her extensive training. She was always able to smooth over emotional issues. I’ll miss Hunter’s snark, but honestly, he was always too uncontrollable for a SHIELD agent. It always made me nervous when he went on a mission.
Jan: While I am realizing that I have grown way to attached to both these characters, it’s Hunter’s humor that I will miss the most. His lines are always among my favorites. Bobbi’s badassery is also one of the things I have loved most. I feel a loss without them, definitely. Oh, and Rueben, I caught and loved that “sistras” moment as well!
4. Did that “spy’s goodbye” hit you right where it hurts?
Roz: YES! If I weren’t already crying from coughing so much I probably would have literally cried.
Rueben: I cried like a baby over that scene it was so moving and a little unexpected that it would affect me so much. Especially Mac’s reaction to it all. He’s a big softie and I think that hit me even more.
Liz: Oh my gosh, I sobbed. I think that’s why I really had no thoughts about Malick’s daughter’s intro. I am still not recovered. It was a beautiful send off for the pair. It showed honor and friendship and love that runs deep. Well done, SHIELD writers.
Jan: I may have had something in my eyes at that point. Bobbi’s tears were tearing me up even more.
5. Should I ask? Did you have a favorite scene?
Roz: No, spy’s goodbye wins for me.
Rueben: Agree with Roz, the spy’s goodbye was perhaps the best scene of the whole season.
Liz: It’s obvious for me. The team honoring Bobbi and Hunter at the end.
Jan: The goodbye in the bar. It was beautiful and heartbreaking all in one. I think this may be the first time we’ve had a unanimous favorite.
6. Was there an MVP in “Parting Shot” that stood out above others?
Roz: Not for me this week. I think it was a team effort.
Rueben: Another agree with Roz. There were no specific standouts in the episode because it was a team effort and they were all the MVP.
Jan: For me it was two….Bobbi and Hunter ready to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC.
Photos courtesy of ABC/Kelsey McNeal