LUCIFER Roundtable: A Priest Walks Into a Bar
What happens when a Priest walks into a bar? He asks for help and then plays dueling pianos with the Devil, obviously. The case of the week was quite secondary to Lucifer making a friend and in the process struggling even more with God and his plan for people. Elsewhere Amenadiel is sinking more and more into his role as leader of the underworld. NiceGirl Stacey said it best, “The juxtaposition of Lucifer becoming more and more human against Amenadiel embracing so much of his darkness is so interesting to watch. Every time Lucifer takes a step forward, Amenadiel takes a step backwards. I’m looking forward to the moment this comes to a head.”
I’m confused about Dan and his involvement in this whole Malcolm thing. Is he bad or not? (Yes I want it to be black or white-then I can decide if I like him or not)
Stacey: Seems like Dan isn’t the bad guy after all- at least that’s what I interpreted. That Malcolm is crooked and Dan shot him to protect Chloe? None of that changes my opinion of him though- still not a fan.
Leah: The whole Chloe/Malcolm/Dan thing is confusing to me. I need them to spell it out for me. Which is exactly how TV works, right?
Lisa: I think he is bad news for sure! I never trusted him from the beginning.
Melissa: I feel like the show is trying to redeem Dan, who started out as an inattentive father and husband, by making him appear self-sacrificing and misunderstood so we have a viable love triangle with Chloe/Dan/Lucifer. It’s clumsy and I don’t like it.
If Amenadiel isn’t careful he will become the thing he despises. Surprised to know he brought Malcolm back for less than merciful/good reasons?
Stacey: I was on the fence about why Amenadiel brought him back – but I’m not surprised this was the reason. Looks like hell is rubbing off on him a lot more than anyone realized.
Leah: I was surprised he is so in his tunnel vision that he doesn’t see at all what is happening to him.
Lisa: I wasn’t too surprised because he is so focused on Luci going back to hell he is losing his way in the process. I had a feeling that him bringing Malcolm back had malicious intent. Mr. Chocolate Angel is showing his dark side, he better watch out!
Melissa: Amenadiel’s motive for killing Lucifer is that it will force him back to Hell, right? I’d like to hear him justify his actions here; I don’t think their Father would condone them, which means Amenadiel is practicing free will. The very thing he fears most.
Father Frank got through to Lucifer in a way not even Dr. Linda ever has. How does this move along Lucifer’s humanity?
Stacey: This was kind of heartbreaking. Lucifer made his first real friend (that he’s not trying to sleep with) and experienced such a range of emotions at losing that friend.
Leah: The idea that Father Frank used to be “bad” and then found his faith was such a nice parallel to what Lucifer is going through.
Lisa: I absolutely loved seeing Luci care about Father Frank. His whole death scene was sad but touching to see Luci try so hard to save him. I think this was a turning point for his humanity for sure. This will stick with him always.
Melissa: What a powerful connection Lucifer and Father Frank had, in just a few short scenes. That piano duet was amazing, but I think Father Frank’s connection to, and convictions about, God really drew Lucifer in and made him rethink some of his attitudes and beliefs. Tom Ellis is really nailing the emotional side of his character, huh?
Stacey: I’m gonna go with Chloe. If for nothing else than the moment on the piano bench at the very end.
Leah: I agree 100% with Stacey. Chloe leaving dinner with Dan to just sit on the piano bench with Lucifer while he was sad was perfect.
Lisa: Luci & Father Frank are tied for me. The scene where they were playing the piano together was so good! The devil and a priest getting along over music! Brilliant! They had great chemistry together and I wanted to see more of them together. It was a great episode!
Melissa: Lucifer and Father Frank, no contest
Lucifer airs Monday 9/8c on Fox