SHADOWHUNTERS Recap: This World Inverted
Know what’s fun? A Clary that doesn’t whine. Thankfully we got just that last night. That’s one of the few happy moments as we hurtle towards the finale.
Clary and Jace are at the portal that will take them to another dimension. From there if Clary can find the other portal door she will be transported to her Father, or more importantly, her Mother. The catch is two part – Only Clary can enter, leaving Jace behind and once in the next dimension Clary must not forget who she truly is or she will basically cease to exist. Seems simple enough I typed while giggling.
Clary gets over there and finds it’s a pretty amazing world. Her Mom and Dad are married, happily. Simon and Isabelle are dating, maybe even moving in together and Clary and Jace are a couple. A full on, we kiss in public places couple. After some detouring she finds the portal with the help of a non-makeup-ed, Mr. Rogers sweater wearing Magnus Bane.
There are some issues at the portal and a demon gets through to Clary. Jace isn’t wasting anytime and jumps through the portal after it. He manages to help Clary slay said demon. He gets stabbed, but does some fancy rune thing and partly heals. Enough to jump into the next portal to the place where Clary’s Mother is being held. The place looks empty save for a man being held in a locker. Not just any man – Jace’s Father. The man he saw die. The reason the Lightwood’s raised him. Just sitting there trapped in a locker looking very much a prisoner.
Elsewhere Isabelle is back to wearing her revealing clothing, having decided being herself is probably best. She is in trouble for helping Jace and Clary though and Lydia has orders from The Clave to have her arrested. She will stand trial for her betrayal. She stands by what she did and seems awfully calm or someone that could be stripped of her runes and exiled.
Alec is still being stubbornly stupid. He sides with Lydia and doesn’t call off the engagement and even goes as far as to try to break his bond with Jace. He no longer wants to be his “brother”. Seems like something a pouty little child would do but what do I know.
The best part of the episode goes to Simon and Luke. Simon is annoying his vampire brethren and is told to take a walk before they all lose it. He heads over to visit Luke. Not a great idea now that he is a vampire and they are all wolves. Luke takes him in though and is trying to talk to him about how to manage his “condition” when the Internal Affairs guy I had forgotten all about shows up. He points his gun at Luke and tells him he is under arrest. Simon starts to vamp out and knocks the IA guy out. He’s freaked out, but thankfully Luke managed to pull him off before he could do any real damage to the guy. Simon wants to help so they make a plan. It’s a fun little kidnapping plan.
Simon ties up IA guy. Simon pretends to be the killer that the IA guy thought Luke was. At the last moment Luke comes in and shoots Simon, rescuing the IA guy. At the morgue, IA guy identifies Simon’s body. When he leaves Simon sits up very proud of himself. As he saved the life of the pack Alpha the pack is now indebted to him. Looks like he has a second family to hang with now.
Two more episodes left. The team is fractured and I’m finding that Alec’s behavior has replaced Clary’s whining as my least favorite thing.
SHADOWHUNTERS airs Tuesday 9/8c on FreeForm