LUCIFER Roundtable: Devil’s Triads are Complicated
This week was filled with some pretty big surprises and equally emotional revelations on the part of Lucifer.Tonight we saw both sad and jealous Luci? Do you have any thoughts on his ongoing growth?
Lisa: I love seeing Lucifer discover more and more of his human characteristics each week. I thought jealous Luci was cute but sad Luci was kind of sad. He definitely is a charmer who does his best work with confidence.
Melissa: You know, the general premise of this show isn’t that original. Emotionally stunted but brilliant and attractive individual learns to interact with other humans, falls in love, etc. There are at least five similar characters on other shows right now. What sets this apart is how intimately the audience is involved in Lucifer’s emotional growth. Letting us sit in on his sessions with Dr. Linda gives us tremendous insight to carry over into his daily life. We don’t have to guess what’s going on; we know. I like that.
Leah: Jealousy is a pretty basic human emotion….He’s becoming more and more like the rest of us. Sad Lucifer I never want to see again. Puppy dog eyes!
Stacey: I love seeing Lucifer discover new human emotions/ feelings.I really like what Mel had to say about this. Our investment in Lucifers growth really is what sets this show apart.
Mynda: I love the fact that he is struggling with the very same things we all wrestle with. His demons are ours! Ironic!
How cool was Dr. Linda tonight? What did you think about her interactions with Chloe and then Maze?
Lisa: Dr. Linda wins the cool award! She held her own against Maze and she liked her for it and Maze doesn’t like anybody!
Melissa: SO COOL! I want more of Dr. Linda and Chloe working together! Those two are brilliant together, and the fact that it annoys Lucifer is icing on the cake. I like that Dr. Linda saw right through Maze’s rudeness, too. Do you think Maze will turn to Dr. Linda for guidance now that Lucifer has cut her off?
Leah: Dr. Linda the best! Her interaction with Maze was fantastic.
Stacey: She was definitely the the MVP of the episode. Her and Chloe together was hilarious- I loved the scene in the cop car with all 3 of them. And I think it was Mel that suggested Maze turning to Dr Linda now that Lucifer has shunned her? I would LOVE to see the two of them in a therapy session.
Mynda: I want to be Dr. Linda! She’s smart, beautiful and not afraid of her own emotions, calling others on theirs and self-aware. We have been promised more moving forward.
Dan is the killer. Did you see that coming?
Lisa: I totally had a feeling that was going to happen! That was a twist! If Chloe finds out about it, she is going to be pissed. I just wonder what other dirty secrets Dan has and what will happen when Luci finds out. The drama!
Melissa: YES! From last week’s roundtable: “…I suspect Dan is the corrupt cop who Malcolm was investigating. I’ve said from the beginning that something is not right with Dan; I think we’re about to find out who he really is and it’s not good.” Now, based on this week’s episode it appears that Detective Douche is a reluctant participant in whatever Malcolm is up to, but I still claim bragging rights!
Leah: Melissa and Stacey have been telling me this for some time now. I just didn’t want to believe it. Explains why he has always been just a little creepy though.
Stacey: I mean, I’ve never been a fan of his. I suspected something off with him. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out in the last 4 episodes- especially since Malcolm is also creepsville.
Mynda: YES! I loved it! Great storyline!
Will Chloe turn to Lucifer for comfort when she finds out the truth about Dan?
Lisa: I hope so. It’s about time for her to give in to those feelings! Lol But it also, could ruin their great chemistry so maybe that isn’t the best idea.
Melissa: That might just be the catalyst for her to finally let her guard down and get down with the Devil. I suspect she’ll look at it as a fling, based on his you’re-only-fooling-yourself-
Leah: I hope so. I am all for her standing her ground with Lucifer, but I’d like to see something happen.
Stacey: Hmmm. I think it might prove a turning point in their relationship for sure.
Mynda: It would make for a good point of conflict and interest.
We are eight episodes in of the twelve. Do you think Lucifer has earned a second season?
Lisa: Definitely! This show has great writing and storytelling and Lucifer himself, is fantastic. There is plenty more story to tell so I think season 2 will be happening.
Melissa: Yes. Definitely. Please. Where do I send the Red Hots and Devil Dogs to plead for a second season?
Leah: Most definitely. Great writing, pretty actors. I’d love to see where they take this.
Stacey: YES. This show is killing it.
Mynda: I would be completely shocked if Lucifer didn’t get a second season!
We have been not so quietly squabbling over Tom Ellis for months. Be sure to join in on the celebration! We, @nicegirlstv and @PxlWvr, will be right there with you! Lucifer airs at 9 p.m. only on FOX! If you aren’t watching Lucifer, click here to catch up!