BLINDSPOT Roundtable: Erase Weary Youth
You know I love the anagrams that make up the show titles. This week “Erase Weary Youth” becomes “Stay Where You Are”. So if you are keeping track over the last few weeks we have:
In case of emergency
Follow these instructions
Stay where you are
As for this weeks episode. It was a mole hunt. The field office is put on lock down while Inspector Fischer, or as I like to call him Agent Mustache, administers polygraph tests. He suspects Jane and has her arrested. Thankfully Weller is on her side and he figures out who the mole really is before mounting a mission to rescue Jane.
How badly did you want to punch Agent Mustache?
Roz: YES! I want to punch him so so much. Or just rip off the mustache and have him go back to being that annoying PC in the Apple commercials.
Leah: The second he walked on screen I groaned and I am pretty sure I yelled some nasty things at my TV during the episode.
Liz: So badly that I was glad he turned out to be the mole. What a jerk!
Lisa: Ugh! I can’t stand him. He is such a douchebag. Karma took care of him.
Were you surprised at how quickly the team (minus Weller) was to jump on the Jane is guilty bandwagon?
Roz: Not so much. I think that Jane’s lack of clear answers is disconcerting when faced with a situation like this one.
Leah: For a team that was coming together…finally. It was upsetting to me to see how fast they all abandoned Team Jane
Liz: Yeah, after all this time, I was! Then again, I wonder if might lead to helping Jane realize that she really isn’t one of them for the long haul. If Reed and Bethany are going to team up to find out where Jane was when Carter was killed, that alone will cause a rift.
Lisa: Yeah, I was a little surprised how quickly they gave up on Jane. I’m so glad Weller had faith in her because if they went with the team’s gut, she would be in that prison. I felt very sad for her.
Did you find the wrap up of who the mole was satisfying?
Roz: Actually, I did. I think the quick turn of Weller’s thoughts were well done and made sense in so many different ways. It’s all too coincidental that Mustache arrived when he did and what he wanted to do.
Leah: While I’m glad they wrapped it up and didn’t drag it out any longer I would have liked to see the mole actually doing some clandestine things before this point. Not just spending this time annoying me.
Liz: Yes, especially because it was Jonas. But I liked the way that story was used to get the team to start doubting.
Lisa: I would not say satisfying, I feel like there is still more to the story. I just don’t think that storyline would be wrapped up so easily. There has to be something else we don’t know yet.
How long can they drag out this not actually telling Jane anything about her past? I’m frustrated and it’s been 2 episodes.
Roz: I think it’s easy to drag it out as long as they need to for the sake of vague narrative stories. But it doesn’t mean it isn’t frustrating as hell, though.
Leah: I get needing to drag it out for the drama of the show, but the vague half stories are going to drive me crazy.
Liz: I feel like she is close to finding out her whole story. I think her saying that she’s “out” is going to start some things rolling a lot sooner than planned. It’s all so odd to me that she would do all of this to herself, the tattoos, the memory wipe, only to wind up not cooperating with…herself. If the tattoos point to an event that has yet to take place, wouldn’t you think that she’d anticipate she’s have a change of heart when she came in contact with Kurt? The team?
Lisa: They cannot do that for too much longer. They need to let us know what is going on with Jane! And I do not trust that guy from her past. We need some answers!
Blindspot airs Monday 10/9c on NBC