LUCIFER Roundtable: Wingman
Lucifer’s wings are being auctioned and he needs all the help he can get to retrieve them. He calls on Chloe and Amenadiel. Per the shows usual there are some pretty heavy scenes, Lucifer’s struggle with his attachment to the one thing that he can use to return to Hell (his wings) mixed in with some lighter hilarity. Amenadiel and Lucifer discussing St. Paul’s penchant for overeating was very amusing. We all found the episode intriguing and have a lot to say.
Does anyone else find it interesting that Amenadiel is so set on getting Lucifer back to Hell he is resorting to lies, theft and deception? Not really very angelic of him.
Stacey: I mean, Lucifer is changing- is it possible Amenadiel is as well? Going more towards the devil that’s inside him?
Mynda: Amenadiel is terrified of being forced into Lucifers position and as things get drawn out, he is escalating his actions. It seems that in the beginning no one took Luci’s actions too seriously, but now facing the fact that Morningstar might actually MEAN it, is horrifying. His brother’s rebellion is threatening the Chocolate Angels whole neat and tidy world. And, if Lucifer can “choose” his own life what does that mean for the rest of them?
Leah: Free will is something Angels never had if I am remembering my Sunday School lessons correctly. That was reserved for humans, God’s chosen ones. So it is interesting to me that we have Angels leaving Hell and Angels on personal missions. Should be interesting to see how far this goes.
Melissa: First things first, did you catch Lucifer telling Amenadiel to “fall like I did” while they were fighting on the beach? He is teetering close to the edge in his attempts to get Lucifer back to Hell. As Mynda noted, Lucifer’s rebellion throws off the balance within the supernatural realm, and could have serious implications for the human realm as well. We heard the brothers talking about what could happen if humans glimpsed the Divine via Lucifer’s wings, and we saw a little about what they meant with Carmen. Those discussions have been annoyingly vague so far, reminding us that these two have a loooong history and know so much more than we, the viewers, do, but the stakes certainly seem to be higher than a simple job change for Amenadiel.
Lisa: Yeah, I thought it was powerful when Luci told him to “Fall as I did” when he was punching Luci in the face. Chocolate Angel needs to get it together (he’s still super hot though).
Amenadiel is guarding Hell in Lucifer’s absence (a few NiceGirls speculated that was happening last week) Do you think he was asked by God to get Lucifer back or is this a personal mission for Amenadiel?
Stacey: Yesssss. Called it. It’s definitely a personal mission.
Mynda: Lucifer’s actions are shaking up everyone’s world. He is going through what we all face. Free will. Choice. There are two sides to that coin. On one your role is assigned. There is safety and security in that small box, while conversely the concept of choice means WE are actually RESPONSIBLE for our own lives and happiness.
Leah: I think this is a personal mission, Amenadiel wants to get back to his Heaven bound life.
Melissa: If we accept that God gave humans free will, and that Lucifer decided to take that privilege for himself, then I think God would allow Lucifer to make his choices and live his life without interference until requested, even if it upends the balance of good and evil. Amenadiel, however, is NOT accepting of the concept of free will for supernatural beings. I think this is a personal mission that Amenadiel believes is for the greater good.
Lisa: I think it is a bit of both, but I think because he has such strong feelings about it, it has become more of a personal mission for him. At this point, if Daddy were to call it off, I think Amendiel would make it his person make sure Lucifer returns to hell.
Are you intrigued by Chloe’s bad cop case or do you find yourself not caring/waiting for it to tie in with anything Lucifer related?
Stacey: A little bit intrigued? A little bit not caring? I’m intrigued to see how all this could possibly tie in I suppose?
Mynda: Up until Amenadiel saved Malcolm I would have said one had nothing to do with the other. But now it’s clear that, just like life, it’s complicated.
Leah: I couldn’t care less until Amenadiel saved Malclom. Now I’m wondering what more there is too it.
Melissa: I’m interested because I suspect Dan is the corrupt cop who Malcolm was investigating. I’ve said from the beginning that something is not right with Dan; I think we’re about to find out who he really is and it’s not good. How that might tie-in with Lucifer, I’m not sure, but I do know that Lucifer doesn’t like Dan, either, and I think it goes beyond mere jealousy over Chloe.
Lisa: I’m interested. I’m glad they gave the humans something interesting to do, but I definitely think it will tie in to Lucifer in some way.
Why do you think Amenadiel saved Malcolm at the end?
Stacey: I have a couple theories:
A. That confrontation on the beach shook him- maybe he realized the darkness that was coming out of him and he needed to do something good?
B. This stuff with Decker/ Malcolm, etc is part of a much larger picture we haven’t even begin to uncover and this was just Amenadiel moving another piece in the game.
Mynda: Whether he likes it or not, Ameadiel is being changed by Lucifer’s actions.
Leah: I’m hoping it is because there is more/bigger/greater to Malcolm’s story, but I’m not sure.
Melissa: I agree with Stacey that he needed to remind himself that he’s the good brother. However, I also suspect that he has other motives related to Chloe’s case. The full range of the brothers’ powers is still a mystery, but what if Amenadiel knows what really happened during the shooting and brought Malcolm back to testify?
Lisa: I think to stir the pot a bit in a good way. He wanted to see what will happen with Chloe’s case and maybe Malcolm will be able to talk about it. He wanted to do a good deed that might stick it to Luci in some way we can’t see yet. I’m really curious how this turns out.
Favorite scene/line?
Stacey: Chloe meeting Amenadiel was kinda great. And the scene on the beach at the end.
BONUS: Also- does anyone else find Deckers reaction to Amenadiel interesting? There was something about it- but I can’t put it into words yet…
Mynda: Lucifer burning his wings was a shocker and proved to Amenadiel his resolve in NOT returning.
BONUS! Touching on Stacey’s point about Chloe and Amenadiel reminds me of opaque references in the bible to angels possibly having children with humans.This myth also has roots in other ancient cultures including the Greeks, Native American Indians, and Egyptians.
There are some theories and speculation that Goliath was an example of that offspring. This might be a way to introduce Nephilim into the story. If that is where the writers are going, I strongly suspect that perhaps Chloe might well be a descendant of such an encounter.
Leah: I loved the look of Lucifer on the beach sitting between his wings. Those wings were divine!
BONUS: I’ve heard parts of that story. Google Azazael. Making Decker something otherworldly would be fun! She was definitely enamored with Amenadiel in a way that Lucifer can never get her to react.
Melissa: Lucifer setting fire to his wings was an amazing act of rebellion and a stunning visual, but I can’t say that I liked it. It seems that clever Maze has retained a ticket home, however.
BONUS: Chloe’s reaction to Amenadiel seemed engineered to tweak Lucifer (and it worked). But Mynda’s theory about Chloe being a descendant of angels is a fascinating twist. It could explain why she is not affected by Lucifer’s many charms.
Lisa: Something about Luci saying “C’mon help a brother out” and trying to fist bump Amendiel cracked me up! Luci is hilarious.
Lucifer airs 9/8c on Fox