5 Reasons We Love “Quantico”
ABC’s Quantico was one of the better freshman shows this year, taking us on a twisty, topsy-turvy ride. It returns Sunday March 6th so let’s talk about a few things, shall we?
- Time Jumps! It’s hard enough to do a show that runs in a straight time line. Quantico went and decided to make it doubly hard by putting future and past jumps in with the present time line. The thing we love – they pulled it off. It all flows so well.
- Strong Women! Name another show that is more diverse? Quantico has multiple women from multiple walks of life all kicking ass in their own way.
- Answers! The writers are good about giving us some answers. Not all the answers, where is the fun in that, but enough that I feel like we are getting somewhere. Nothing worse than a mystery so convoluted you feel like you are just spinning your wheels.
- Chemistry! Chemistry! Chemistry! I’m not talking about the bombs either. The way the cast can smolder with just a look between them is fire!
- A second season! Yay! Reported by TVLine yesterday, Quantico will be back for a second season. Anytime a show with a big amount of mystery is picked up before the end of a season I am happy. No one likes an unresolved cliffhanger.
We can’t wait for Quantico to be back on the schedule. Make sure you tune in.
Quantico airs Sunday 10/9c on ABC