BLINDSPOT Roundtable: Cease Forcing Enemy
BLINDSPOT is BACK! I’ve missed this show – and it’s crazy twists and turns. Just to recap where we were: Jane was kidnapped by the shady CIA guy and tortured until she was saved by a person who said he was working for her. He showed her a video where she says she did this to herself. She wiped her own memory and commissioned the tattoos. Dun. Dun. DUUUN! Only he has strict instructions to share things not all at once, but slowly over time. The one thing he did reveal – Jane is truly Taylor Shaw.
This episode is titled Cease Forcing Enemy or once unscrambled “In Case of Emergency”
Is Mayfair’s new nemesis a good twist or too soon after her drama with the CIA jerk?
Leah: I think it is too soon. I know the show needs drama but come on, they just worked out the last threatening of her job issue.
Liz: I don’t think we’ll see him again. I think he’s just going to sit back and watch her implode, or hope to, at least. He believes that covering up for an agent is going to come back and bite her, and it may.
Lisa: I think it is a good twist. Conflict always brings more interest to the story and she is great with it. I liked how she stuck up for Patterson. On a side note, I really don’t like this new guy’s mustache. It’s creepy and it needs to go.
Do you like Oscar and his secret keeping or do you feel like he could have been a little more open/forthcoming?
Leah: I’m for Jane/Taylor having some answers so I suppose him being around is a good thing but I’m warning you now (in case anyone cares) I am not going to be okay with him being super secretive all the time. He is going to have to divulge some past information and at a pretty steady pace.
Liz: He might have been if Jane had believed him. But clearly she didn’t. She even doubts her own recorded video message to herself. She also has feelings for her team and he saw that too. There’s only so much he was able to tell her. I think that the seeds of doubt have been planted though, and now Jane will be watchful. She may even start to question some things.
Lisa: I was a little disappointed in his secret keeping. I understand that he wanted to be cautious, but he could have told Jane more about her past. Even if it was just the basics. But confirming that she is Taylor Shaw was great information. I just can’t wait to see what this plan is!
It’s only day one and already the team noticed something up with Jane. How long can she keep her new found knowledge secret?
Leah: I’m guessing we will have a number of near misses between Oscar and the team which will just put more stress on Jane/Taylor. I don’t see her holding it all in for long, especially if Oscar isn’t going to be forthcoming with his knowledge.
Liz: This is going to be interesting to watch. She already almost told Weller that she was the one who tattooed herself and sent herself to him. She almost told him that apparently she chose to do this. I wonder if she begins to distance herself from the team as she comes to realize the truth.
Lisa: Not very long. Now that she requested them to drop the detail that will raise more eyebrows. The team is smart and perceptive they will pick up on her being “off” and figure out something is up. I just really hope it doesn’t put a lot of tension on the team. I like that they are working well together and starting to trust Jane more. I hope she doesn’t completely jeopardize that.
Episode MVP?
Leah: Patterson. Her response to the Internal Affairs guy asking her when or where she just did the math, “In my head where math is done. Please don’t interrupt.” had me giggling. She held it together despite all the outside interference.
Liz: Definitely Patterson. I particularly loved the look she gave the investigator as she was leaving with Mayfair. She pulled off the contrast between rattled, agent under investigation to solver of all mysteries and helping Jane and Weller land that plane, beautifully.
Lisa: Patterson hands down. I was so happy that she got her moment to shine after Mr. Gross Stache was hell bent on suspending her. Without her, everyone would have died. She is such an important part of the team and she really stepped up in this episode despite the grief and guilt she was feeling about her boyfriend’s death. She is a trooper!
BLINDSPOT airs Monday 9/8c on NBC