SHADOWHUNTERS Recap: Major Arcana
Okay here we go:
Clary knows where the Cup is. Thank goodness. Clary, like her Mother, has the ability to make 3D objects 2D. Suddenly Clary remembers Tarrot cards that her Mom had made. Now they just have to go get the cards from Luke’s desk at the precinct.
Jace and Clary go with Luke to get the cards only he is stopped by Internal Affairs. They have opened an investigation into Luke. While he is waiting in interegation Jace and Clary stop by with a plan to get the cards out of Luke’s desk.
Clary’s plan is to slap Jace and then accuse him of stalking her before storming to Luke’s desk to get her “spare key”. Only IA has all of Luke’s stuff in evidence upstairs. It doesn’t work….shocking.
Alec and Isabelle show up to help Jace and Clary. Jace comes up with a new plan. It is much cooler than getting slapped, it involves climbing up the elevator shaft. It also involves Alec trying to charm a cop while Isabelle steals her badge. Isabelle uses the badge to get into the room where she can cut the power. Convieniently the elevator shaft goes directly into a duct that leads into the evidence room. They find the card, but Clary can’t get the cup out of the card.
Outside the precinct they are surrounded by demons. Alec sends the rest of the group on ahead to the Institute while he stays behind to hold off the demons. Of course on the way back Clary has to stop Jace to thank him for everything. It really doesn’t seem like the time. When they catch up to Isabelle her demon detecting necklace is pulsing. They have tracking demons after them. Jace tells Clary to run, they are almost to the Institute. She gets part way there and decides to try the card again. Again, not the time. This time she gets the Cup out and uses it to fend off the angry little demons. Which means now they know for sure she has it. She runs back to find Jace, who says he is proud of her, just give him the Cup and they will be on their way. Clary doesn’t fall for it and stabs the demon, killing it.
At the Institute Jace is rallying everyone to go find Clary and save her, “Clary is the only thing that matters.” She gets there after he says that and runs to hug him. They do some really flirty close talking and then Clary kisses Jace. Full on kiss. In the middle of the situation room while Alec looks on unhappily.
A few things to note:
Isabelle has given up her revealing clothes and pulled her hair back to look like her Mother. She’s going to step up and take some resonsibility.
Alec slept at Magnus’s place and is late getting back to the Institute in the morning. Isabelle wants Alec to open up to her, but he says there is nothing to talk about.
Simon meanwhile is freaking out a little, or a lot. He wakes up in bed next to the girl who’s name I can’t remember, the friend of his who is in his band. She is thrilled and Simon seems pretty happy about it as well until he looks over again and his friend now looks like Clary. Hulucinations aren’t a good sign.
To make matters worse Simon’s Mom and Sister try to do an intervention becaue they think he is on drugs. That also doesn’t end well. He is having a full on meltdown. He runs away from home and straight to the Vampire Hotel. He waltzes in and meets up with the main Vampire chick. Who welcomes him back with a swift bite in the neck.
Shadowhunters airs Tuesday 9/8c on Freeform