AGENT CARTER: “Life of the Party” and “Monsters” {Roundtable}
Last night two new episodes of Agent Carter aired on ABC, giving fans/viewers some pretty intense moments, a love triangle of sorts and some scary zero matter-induced deaths.
Let’s talk about all the action, shall we?
1. Where do you think Jason disappeared to albeit briefly?
Rueben: He was obviously being pulled into the alternate universe that those of us who watch Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. know all too well; but he seems to have enough of a hold with Earth that he didn’t get dragged there completely. But does that mean that that world won’t pull him over eventually.
Roz: I hope it’s not into that place from SHIELD, but I can’t think of another alternative.
Karen: Pretty sure it’s at least somewhere in the vicinity of the Kree planet or thereabouts (like on AoS). I can’t think of an alternative either.
2. What did you anticipate would happen when Peggy helped Dottie get out of the SSR?
Rueben: It was clear that Dottie would only do the minimum of what was needed based on what Peggy asked her to do; and it was obvious that she would do anything, as early as possible, to get away. That being said, I didn’t expect for Thompson to catch her or for Frost to hold her captive. Her getting away in the end – that was obvious – it was just a matter of how she would get away.
Roz: Dottie’s always playing her own game, even if she’s supposed to be playing for someone else, so I didn’t think anything good was going to come out of Dottie helping the SSR. And that someone managed to scare even Dottie makes me think that Whitney Frost is way more trouble than Peggy imagines.
Karen: Dottie is so frustrating. She’s never gonna learn to just go with it, is she? Peggy’s cool, and knows what she’s doing – so why can’t Dottie just team up and stop with the borderline bad girl thing? ugh. But yeah, how things went down in this ep… not surprising. @Roz: Knowing who Whitney is in the comic books – your statement is 100% truth.
3. OMG, what Whitney Frost did to her husband, those henchman and most of the men on that council was shocking, right? What are your thoughts?
Rueben: She is simply freaking scary, right? You’d think that given what her husband saw her do before, he would have planned a bit better. It certainly cost him and all those other men his life.
Roz: I think that we’ve already seen her kill people, but that she’s got the power to take that many was an indication that makes me very worried.
Karen: It seems that we’ve only touched on the “Zero Matter” abilities, and it is POWERFUL stuff. Are the people that she absorbs just giving her strength, or are they going somewhere? I’m not incredibly shocked that she went all “FROST SMASH” on those dudes, but I really want to know what affect they’re going to have on her. Perhaps each person she takes in contributes to her insanity? Can’t wait to see what happens next.
4. There is a bit of a love triangle between Peggy, Jason and Souza. We saw that coming along for awhile, but do you think Peggy can or will choose one or the other?
Rueben: Love triangles are a staple of TV shows and we could all see the sparks between both men and Peggy. I don’t think if I were her that I would be able to make a choice.
Roz: I think she has to make a choice, but I doubt it’s one she wants to make. She wants to be independent of that sort of thing, even if it comes up to her and is right in front of her face.
Karen: Depends on what happens to Jason. I was a bit sad about Violet’s decision to break things off with Sousa, although it was completely understandable. Peggy needs someone strong and decisive to match her step for step, and I’m just not sure that’s Sousa. He didn’t show that side of himself when Violet confronted him, and he surely didn’t step up when Peggy walked away.
5. Did you see what happened to Jarvis’s wife Ana coming before it took place or were you taken by surprise?
Rueben: I didn’t see it coming until right before it happened, and it broke my heart.
Roz: I didn’t see it coming until it happened and no, I’m not okay with it.
Karen: No, I had no idea she’d get caught in the crossfire, and I was definitely taken aback. I’d like to see more of her by the way – she seems very intriguing.
6. What will Whitney do with Jason?
Rueben: Whatever she does to Jason, it’s not going to be good; it’s not going to be pretty and it’s going to hurt like hell.
Roz: Nothing good. I think she wants to understand how they can each have different reactions to the Zero Matter and that can’t lead to anything good.
Karen: Well, I keep thinking back to last week and how she took apart that radio… She definitely has some experimenting in mind, and it will NOT be easy.
7. What are Peggy and Souza going to do now that Masters has planted himself as Chief of the LA office?
Rueben: I hope they figure out a way to defeat him completely and thoroughly! He deserves to go down!
Roz: I think they’ll be working even more covertly than they have been before, but I don’t know how successful that will be when Jarvis might be out of the picture too.
Karen: Two words… Under. Cover.
8. How many red hats do you give to each episode?
Rueben: I think I’ll give the first episode 3 red hats and the second one 2 1/2 red hats.
Roz: 3 red hats for the first half and then 3 and a half for the second.
Karen: It was kinda scattered, but I still liked the intrigue and the surprise twists. I give it 3.5 hats overall.
Remember there will be another two-hour Agent Carter event will air next week on ABC, starting at 9/8c.