iZombie, 213, The Whopper
I went into this week’s iZombie thinking a major character was going to be killed off. The trailer for the episode said there would be “casualties” and Twitter was blowing up with which one of the men in Liv’s life will be a casualty. So, it led me to believe that this would be the last episode for Ravi, Major, Blaine, Drake or Babineaux (geesh, Liv sure does have a lot of men in her life. Lucky her.) I was convinced that there would be a death other than the victim of the Liv and Babineaux’s investigation.
So I sat on the edge of my couch, waiting to lose one of these characters I’ve become attached to. Then you see Major wheeled into the basement of Blaine’s funeral home in a body bag wrapped in a big red bow, and I think “It’s going to be Major.” Because why would Blaine just let Major go without a scratch?
Before I go any further, Ravi, Major, Blaine, Babineaux and Drake, all alive and accounted for at the end of the hour. I guess I fell for this whopper, which conveniently fits the plot of Liv telling lie after lie upon devouring a bacon burger consisting of pathological liar brains.
In an act to save himself, Major tells Blaine about his assignment to eliminate the zombies of Seattle and reveals that he set up a zombie popsicle stand instead of killing them. Blaine wants Major to bring him his father, whose in the zombie freezer, and threatens to go after Liv if he doesn’t. Then to stir the pot more, Blaine implies to Major that Liv is aware of his funeral home operation and she is okay with it. To protect Liv, Major complies and brings Blaine his father.
Blaine has daddy issues. He is pissed that he father wrote him out of the will, leaving everything to the housekeeper that tormented Blaine as a child. Blaine wants his father to record a new video, recanting the previous will and say he’s leaving everything to Blaine. We’ll see if his father can be persuaded.
Major confronts Liv about her “palling” around with Blaine. She admits she knows what’s going on but tells Major that right now, Blaine serves a purpose – to feed Seattle’s zombies without killing people to do it.
Let us not forget that we did suffer a casualty tonight – New Hope. The reverted zombie rat died this episode, reminding us that Major and Blaine’s borrowed time as humans is even more limited. Not only could they turn back into zombies, they could die soon after that.
A victory is due. One of Liv’s visions lead the gang to the exact location where the utopium was buried. Now lets hope Ravi is able to craft a permanent zombie cure this time. No pressure.
Side note – Detective Babineaux is starting to catch on that Liv takes on the personalities of the dead victim’s from their investigations. Does he suspect she’s more than a clairvoyant? How will he react if/when he finds out that she is a zombie whose been consuming the brains of their victims.
Episode faves:
“If she bears your children, you’ll start using her first name, right?” Ravi to Babineaux
“I’d hate to lose a perfectly good zombie rat, let’s use Blaine as our guinea pig instead.” – Liv
“Git ‘er done” and “that’s what she said,” both phrases said by Blaine. “Git ‘er done” always makes me want to punch the person who says it, but “that’s what she said” almost always makes me laugh.
Let’s see if I am a sucker again next week!