The Expanse Finale – Miller’s Failed Vacation, Radiation, Pachinko Hell & Blue Death Terrorism
We knew Julie Mao died, but tonight we discover the how in detail. Mao and her Belter OPA friends are taken captive by the very ship they were trying to overtake. Mao was the one who hid the Anubuis and escaped to Eros while awaiting rescue from Anderson Dawes. The camera stayed on Mao as she succumbed to the infection unknowingly contracted. We bore witness to her abandonment and subsequent excruciating demise. Knowing the outcome was far different than bearing witness to the event which happened just moments before Miller found her.
The whole experience was like a knife to the gut, sadly no one was given time to grieve when the station is plunged into lock-down. Amos, Naomi and Alex head out to the Rociante while curiosity overcomes Miller and Holden who cannot resist the temptation of discovering the truth. Let’s hope this time curiosity does not kill these two particular cats!
Mao’s tragedy continues when her body is appropriated by a mysterious Anthony Dresden who harvest’s the virus from her corpse. Dresden promptly contacts Mao’s father and delivers the sad news. Daddy Mao receives the information stoically and, is relieved to learn of the protomolecule’s survival in lieu of grief.
In true terrorist style Daddy Mao gives the go-ahead to enact their sinister plan. He and his twisted companions intentionally started the conflict between Mars and Earth when they blew up the Canterbury in an effort to hide the revelation of the real threat before it is ready. The explosion on Eros was a ruse in order to infect the fleeing residents with the blue fungus of death allowing it to “evolve.”
Miller and Holden try to free the newly infected Eros residents and are rewarded by a lethal dose of hard radiation. The duo raid a medic box overdosing on pain medication in an effort to meet up with their crew. After a brief unwanted pachinko parlor excursion, the two run right into Judas aka Kenzo who begs to leave with them. Holden gains a measure of respect from Miller when Kenzo comes in the form of gunfire. The unlikely duo finally arrive at the Rocianthe and deaths door simultaneously.
Thankfully the door that opened contained Amos not the Grim Reaper. Amos was able to drag our radioactive duo in with little difficulty just in time for treatment. Alex breaks the ship away in true Texas style and the Rocianthe heads off into the sunset in pursuit of the fleeing Scientist Dresden.
On Tycho Station Fred Johnson is feeling the weight of his actions and shares his guilt to the rest of the galaxy. He reveals the evidence he discovered regarding the attacks on the Donnanger and
indicates the true culprit. Earth.
Christen visits her newly deceased friend, DeGraff’s home under the guise of saying a final goodbye. Avarasala uncovers Franklin’s camoflaged data drives which confirms Mr. Johnson’s accusations. Christen takes this knowledge to the UN and soon realizes the true threat when Daddy Mao is introduced to her as their security advisor. Wowzers! Our perceived spider was actually a fly all along!
Observations & Questions:
• What is on Luna that will help Chrisjen untangle this mess?
• Fred Johnson was a man in circumstances beyond his control. He gave us all a life lesson with these words. “None of us can change what we’ve done, but we can all change what we do next”
• Did Miller and Holden escape infection?
• Where is Dresden going now that he murdered 100,000 people? Disney?
• If Kenzo knew he would eaten by the now seemingly sentient blue fungus of death, he would have welcomed the mercy of Holden’s bullets.
• Who would benefit from a war between, Belters, Earthers and Mars? Is there anyone left?
• What is the virus becoming?
• Thomas Jane took the caricature of Joe Miller and created a full fledged living, breathing complex character!
• If Miller lives, that dude does deserve a trip to Disney! Maybe he can kill Dresden while he is there!
• Season two can’t come soon enough!