A Quick Refresher Guide on iZombie
If you’re like me, you’re eagerly awaiting the return of iZombie on Tuesday night. Sure, we had that teaser “holiday” episode a couple weeks ago (episode 210, Method Head), but I’m ready to resume my weekly Tuesday night routine of yoga and iZombie.
To make sure you’re up to speed, here’s where we find our favorite zombie coming back from the midseason hiatus.
The Liv and Major break-up Is it really over? In ”Method Head,” Major (Robert Buckley) gifted Liv (Rose McIver) with the season two DVD set of Zombie High for Christmas. Though likely just a strategy to introduce Zombie High into the plot, one can’t help but wonder if Major has ulterior motives for giving Liv a gift. Was this a sweet gesture indicating “no-hard-feelings” or a ploy to win her back? (Side note: Liv binge watches Zombie High and obsesses over it like, um, a human girl in real life.) I think Liv will stand by her conviction that as a zombie, she and Major can never really be together. And though she may not be ready to move on yet, I think if she needs a distraction, it should come in the form of Drake (Greg Finley), the henchman whose life she “saved” by scratching him and turning him into a zombie. Just saying.
Bad guys in Seattle beware, the Liv and Babineaux (Malcolm Goodwin) team is back together! This may not be Babineaux’s first rodeo, but he knows Liv’s visions can be an asset to catching criminals.
The zombie cure is a bust! Ravi’s (Rahul Kohli) cured rat, New Hope, reverted back to zombie form, which means the countdown is on as to when Major and Blaine (David Anders) will walk among the undead again. When not working in the morgue, Ravi is out digging up holes, looking for the tainted Utopium that may be the missing ingredient for a lasting cure.
Major vs. Max Rager Major has made it his life’s mission to take down Max Rager and it seems with “man jewelry” (a bugged Fitbit) and the “promise of a rock hard ass”, he is winning over Vaughn Du Clark (Steven Weber). He’s already passed one test Du Clark and his bastard daughter Gilda (Leanne Lapp) set to trap him, will he be able to dodge whatever they throw at him next?
FBI Agent Dale Bozzio, Babineaux’s “canvassing” partner, and by canvas, I mean sex… I digress. After visiting Blaine’s funeral home and seeing his face on a police sketch, Bozzio is convinced that Blaine is behind all the city’s missing persons.
We want to see more of Liv’s BFF Peyton (Aly Michalka) in the second half of this season. She was last seen slowly succumbing to Blaine’s charm. Will she pursue him? When (because we know it’s “when,” not “if”) she discovers his secret life, how will she react?
The many sides of Liv So far this season, Liv has consumed the identities of a grumpy old man, a superhero, a real housewife, a jealous stalker, Santa Claus and a magician. This Tuesday we’ll find out all the dirty little thoughts inside Liv’s head after she eats erotica brains.
iZombie returns Tuesday, Feb. 2 on the CW at 9:00 p.m.
Live tweet with me @nicthebobcat during the show.