SHADOWHUNTERS Recap: The Descent Into Hell Isn’t Easy
Clary has taken to this whole Shadowhunter thing. Possibly because she is enamored with Jace. I’m not sure. What I am sure of is she is very bull in a china shop with her quest to find her mother. Simon on the other hand is not so taken with Jace. He did have a moment of lust for Isabelle but have you seen her? And like she said Simon has a hot nerd vibe so Isabelle has been doing some flirting of her own.
While the teens are running around being hot and getting the background on The Circle and all its evil glory everyone else is looking for Clary.
Luke is doing some police work in order to find her and Dot tried to get Magnus to help her but he wants no part of Valentine’s crazy. Dot’s attempts to find Clary get her captured by Valentine. Things don’t look good for our adorable warlock.
Since Clary can’t remember any part of her Shadowhunter self Jace, Alec and Isabelle take Clary to the Silent Brothers. Scary Shadowhunters who carve the memories from your head. Apparently it’s pretty painful and they are pretty imposing, no amount of warning will keep Clary from trying whatever it takes so off they go to the City of Bones.
I’ll admit this show hasn’t completely drawn me in yet, they have made some significant strays away from the books I loved, but they have also brought some things to life in a great way. The Silent Brothers for instance. The makeup and post production work was amazing.
Anywho, Clary steps into the circle and the Brothers do what they can to get her memories back. She sees that she is Valentine’s daughter. This makes her understandably upset. Seeing as he is a murderous bastard.
While Clary is having her chat with the Brothers Simon manages to get snatched up by Vampires. They will gladly give him back in exchange for the Mortal Cup.
And that is the end of episode two. What did you guys think? Will you be tuning in for more?
Shadowhunters airs Tuesday 9/8c on Freeform