THE EXPANSE – 1.06 ‘Retrofit’ Kidnap Hair, Missing Hat’s, Truths & Plot Twisties!
Avasarala needs a favor. She wants to “borrow” a spy to gain intel on Fred Johnson. Christen is fierce and is not afraid to play any card, no matter the cost. Did you catch the little tidbit of truth? The Butcher of Anderson Station was set up.
The newly christened Rocinate has docked and is greeted by The Butcher himself. Amos and Holden put on a good show of force, but Mr. Johnson sees right through their ruse, or does he? Lookie there! Alex and Naomi managed to turn the tables!
Fred needs their ship to find a missing OPA operative and lone Scopuli survivor who just might have all the answers. Holden agrees to find survivor and breaks the news to his crew along with some serious truth. Amos, Naomi and Alex splintered after the revelation from Holden regarding his actions on The Canterbury that led to it’s destruction. Our fab four separated for a bit to recover and enjoy some liquid therapy but thankfully, all came together in the end.
Miller is rocking some amazing kidnap hair and it only went downhill from there. Dawes is a true believer and it looks like he will beat the truth of his cause into Miller if necessary. And, while Joe lies bleeding in the corner our hearts break for The Hat. Where is the fedora?
Anderson slays us all when he drops some serious truth on Miller regarding the death of his sister. Dawes accuses Miller of being in love with Mao. She must have one heck of a shower! We were all grateful when Octavia appeared just in time to rescue Miller and his hat. Long live the #SpaceFedoraOfJustice!
Octavia, for her part, is overwhelmed after the rescue and panics on realizing her first kill. Miller comforts her in his own odd sort of way by telling her of his first. “My advice is just forget it. Make yourself forget it.” Daww! Did you see that hug? Who know Joe had it in him?
Miller continues to surprise when he walks in all fired up into his Captain’s office revealing the results of his investigation. Captain Shaddid rewards all his bloody efforts by firing him and revoking his security status. Star Helix is corrupt? By the looks of that tattoo, Dawes owns them all.
Observations & Questions:
• I am anxious to see how the mining survivor plays into this plot.
• Amos is a man of mystery and while his sexuality remains ambiguous we are treated to a sneak peek leaving us wanting more!
• What trickery is this? Alex isn’t married? His wanderlust and love of flying came at the expense of his marriage.
• Here’s to you Shed! Loved the interaction between Holden and Naomi!
• Phobe Station and bio weapons? Who is strong enough to allow a war over hiding the truth?