THE EXPANSE 1.04 – ‘CQB’ Trapped, Attacked & Scuttled!
Miller continues his search and identifies his corpse as Bizi Bitiko. Thankfully he kept the mortician from recycling the deader as the real Bizi is found momentarily alive. Joe’s Extreme Operation game with the corpse left me queasy. Thank goodness he found the memory crypt!
Captain Yao wants Holden to recant, however, their argument is interrupted by an attack from THE Mysterious Ship. The unknown vessel wastes no time in firing on the Donnager. Captain Yao believes this her crew will easily overcome the invaders but was woefully wrong in her expectations. The attack is short lived and brutal, leaving Yao with few choices.
Holden just became a most valuable asset when his testimony is the only one that can verify the truth of Mars’ innocence. She orders Holden to be evacuated and makes the excruciating decision to sacrifice the ship to hide Jim’s escape. Holden does not go quietly and demands the release of his crew. When asking nicely failed, Holden took matters into his own hands and saved what was left of his friends just in time. Thankfully Alex recovered enough form his nighty- nite experience and was able to fly them out before the Donnanger exploded.
Chrisjen and the officials back on Earth are extremely frustrated as they cannot tell who is attacking whom. Methinks Acasarala knows or fears who it might be. Her grandson said it best. “You’re no fun.”
Observations and Questions:
• Love the little tidbits of information we learn each week. Life expectancy numbers were interesting! Earth: 123 years and Ceres 68 years.
• Graffiti gets easy in the future!
• The Sling Shot Club looks extremely unfun for the participants.
• We still don’t know if Noma is OPA, but even Holden agrees she is hiding something.
• Shed! He lost his head!!
• Earther’s use the most air.
• The exchange between Noma and Amos may be the closest we get to a confession from Noma.
• The Church of Latter Day Saints aka Mormons are building a ship? Why?
• I love Alex’s little tantrum when they were under attack!
• Look who’s still alive! Well, at least someone survived. Too bad Shed can’t say the same.
• What did Yao hand over to her second ?
• What ‘deal’ did Holden make with the Mars Officer?