THE EXPANSE Two Night Premier – We fell in love
Welcome to The Expanse and what a interesting introduction it has been. Most series these days come out with their biggest bangs during the pilot, however this show has taken a different tactic. Watching The Expanse is a bit like falling in love, it begins gradually. And, over time, before you know it, you are head over heels and can’t imagine life any other way.
The Expanse is a complete, complex world wholly unique unto itself. Set 300 years in the future there are three main factions, Earthers, Belters and Martians. During the two night premiere we were introduced to the first two and only given a glimpse of the mysterious Martians who were spoken of in almost hushed tones. You get the feeling that speaking the evil would make it appear.
Earth has changed quite a bit over the years, however Lady Liberty still stands tall surrounded by a much changed landscape. Earther, Chrisjen Avasarala is the total package. Beautiful, political and clever, she is one tough chick. It is quite apparent from her interaction with the captured dissident Belter that she is not afraid to resort to torture to get what she wants. Chrisjen’s actions are those of a true believer, but to what end? Just because you know something to be true, doesn’t mean it is.
Belters survive in space under less than ideal circumstances and after all this time the body adapts in surprising ways. Long limbs, spine abnormalities are just scratching the surface of this Blade Runner-esque dystopian world. It’s gritty, dirty and and completely believable.
Detective Jim Miller works on Ceres station and the ultimate survivor. He is corrupt, greedy and grows on you like a fungus. He has been tasked to find a rich-girl-lost, Earther Julie Mao. Methinks his Earther employers have underestimated Miller drastically to their own peril. In his search for Mao, Miller’s tenacity teases of an epic confrontation. And, there is nothing so dangerous as a man who doesn’t have anything to loose.
Jim Holden, newly appointed XO of the Ice Harvester Canturbury has led his crew into a lethal trap resulting in the destruction of the ship. His rescue shuttle and its four other crew members as the only survivors from a mysterious attack. Not to worry, after surviving the debris field in a game of extreme pinball, the crew begins to crack under the strain. Between equipment malfunctions, lack of oxygen and potential rescue from an unwelcome source death may be the easy way out.
Observations and Questions:
• Chrisjen’s words “Heaven help us all if Mars and The Belt decide to share a toothbrush.” lead me to believe her real fear is loss of supremacy.
• Why did Holden flee a cushy life back on Earth?
• “There’s something you should know.” What was did Holden’s lover know?
• Miller’s orphanage upbringing is a backstory I am excited to explore.
• I love how the technology isn’t necessarily explained. It just is.
• You’d think after 300 years of technology and space exploration technicians would find a way to retrieve a dropped tool!
• I must know the explanation behind pilot Alex Kamal’s Texas drawl.