Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtable Discussion: “Maveth”
The team set up around the castle, ready to kill anything other than their team that came through the portal. Simmons set Andrew free, realizing he was her only chance to get away from Malick’s men. After Andrew saved Simmons, he killed all the other Inhuman’s Malick was holding. May went to find Andrew but all she found was the carnage he left behind. Ward and Fitz continued their mission to the other planet, with Coulson not far behind. Coulson ultimately caught up to Ward and apprehended him. Fitz found Will, and they set out for the portal, but along the way Fitz discovered that his companion wasn’t Will at all. It’s the Inhuman Ward seeks. The real Will is dead. When the alien tried to kill Fitz, Coulson shot him. The diversion gave Ward a chance to attack Coulson and a fight ensued. Visions of Rosalind haunted Coulson, and he killed an unconscious Ward after besting him in the fight. Fitz killed the alien with a flare, or so he thought. Tentacles are seen exiting Will’s burning body, which is near Ward’s. Coulson and Fitz return through the portal to their waiting team, who are happy to see them. Later a very battered looking Ward, or at least an Inhuman sporting his body, finds Malick.
1. Simmons told May that it was both Lash and Andrew who saved her, and May wasn’t sure there is a difference any more. Do you think they are now one and the same, no division?
Jan: I’m not certain. Lincoln had said eventually Andrew wouldn’t change back and forth, but we saw him still in Andrew’s form, so at least physically there is a separation. Something felt different, though, I think maybe inside the transformation is complete, Andrew and Lash think as one. I think there is a lot more coming from Lash.
Liz: I do think they are one and the same. I also think that this is why Lash was killing Inhumans: to stop Malick from creating an army for that creature. BTW, Lash is now free and my prediction for the second half of the season is that there will be a showdown between Lash and the Inhuman now residing in Ward’s body.
Rueben: I don’t think there is any division, and he’s even more dangerous than before.
Roz: I don’t think there’s any difference between Lash and Andrew now, but I think that’s part of the point; he needs to be both a killer of Inhumans and a potential source of hope for the SHIELD team. He’ll have his own path as this stuff with Ward develops.
2. Coulson was pretty dark in this episode. Do you think his killing Ward for revenge is something the character can return from?
Jan: I think this episode changed a lot of things, including Coulson. Yes, I think he can come back, but he is certain to have a lot to overcome to get there. That look between he and Fitz at the end said a lot…Coulson crossed a line, and Fitz was there to see it. I think Fitz will be there to remind Coulson what he has done and help guide him back.
Liz: I think it’s going to change him. It was a very un-Coulson thing to do. He killed out of pure emotion. The fact that it had been a long time coming makes no difference. If anyone else had killed Ward, it wouldn’t have been so dramatic.
Rueben: I think this will change him because he didn’t just kill Ward in defense of himself. Ward was down for the count, and Coulson could’ve just left him there to suffer. I have a feeling that action will haunt him.
Roz: He’s been on a path like this since he was killed in Avengers, so I don’t think he’s wanted to return to the guy who wore a suit and followed orders for a long long time. He’s playing by his own rules now and we’ll see what that means for the whole team.
3. Simmons was happy to see Fitz return, but was also searching for Will to appear. Is Will’s death going to be an end to the obstacles between FitzSimmons or will it cause a new wedge?
Jan: I could see this going either way. I’m glad there won’t be a love triangle, because nothing can ruin a story faster than one of those, but I’m not sure how Simmons will handle knowing Will died saving her. There could be a lot of guilt, more than she has already been feeling about leaving him behind.
Liz: Oh I think the writers will find other obstacles if they want to, but I don’t think this will be one of them.
Rueben: If this doesn’t cause a wedge, the writers will come up with something else to come between them. Not that I want to see that, but there will be something else.
Roz: If Fitz can explain what happened to Will, I don’t think it can be as much of an obstacle as anything else they’ve been through this season.
4. Were you shocked to learn that Will had died saving Simmons, and the Will Fitz found was really the Inhuman?
Jan: Yes! That was an incredible reveal, and I think I may have gasped out loud when Will’s leg was shown and it was obvious something wasn’t right.
Liz: Nope! I had my suspicions. It didn’t surprise me at all. And when Fitz found “Will” and he had that leg injury, it confirmed what I believed.
Rueben: For once I didn’t see it coming until Will starting talking about that long ago civilization; and by then it was too late to say, “Hey wait a minute?”
Roz: No, I wasn’t shocked. He seemed the sort of guy to sacrifice himself for someone he loved. That “Will” was that thing Malick wants also wasn’t too odd, but that it can move that quickly and still got through the portal was more disconcerting.
5. What was your favorite scene in Maveth?
Jan: Probably the reveal that the Will they found wasn’t really Will.
Liz: I think it was when Coulson woke up and looked around him and said, “Oh good, Tatooine!” LOL!
Rueben: Seeing the relief on everyone’s face when Mack said they were on their way back to the main ship after the explosion; and the reunions. It may be short-lived, but it was touching none the less.
Roz: Probably the fight between “Will” and Fitz while Ward and Coulson went at it.
6. In an episode full of MVP’s, who would be your top choice for the title?
Jan: I have to say Fitz. He was on his game the entire journey, and although he failed in his mission to save Will (not his fault), he was brave and made all the right decisions, even tried to kill the dark Inhuman.
Liz: Mack! He finally took on the mantle of Director and “did the damn job”. And he did it well, with no emotional attachments. He’s a leader.
Rueben: Mack really stepped up as Interim Director, but Fitz was also pretty brave to take on the fake Will/Inhuman creature.
Roz: Mack, for being a steady person when everything went FUBAR.
This episode was the winter finale. Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will return to ABC on March 8, 2016.
Images courtesy ABC/Nicole Wilder