Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtable: “4,722 Hours”
An episode of all things Jemma. Weeks after her return from the other planet, we finally get a look at what happened to Jemma. How she survived, what she did, and why she feels so strongly about going back.
1. Would you have thought before this episode that Jemma would have such keen survival skills?
Jan: While Jemma has proven herself capable many times in the past, I have to admit I was impressed at how well she did at finding water and food, building fire, etc. There is nothing Jemma can’t do!
Roz: I think she’s always been resourceful in other missions, but I didn’t expect the dedication to finding water and surviving until she met Will.
Liz: Yes. She’s Jemma! She is a logical thinker and her optimism paired with her brains were a good aid to her.
Rueben: Honestly, no, but when you don’t have any other choice I think you figure out a way to survive, and given how intelligent Jemma is it only makes sense that she figured out a way to survive.
2. Are Jemma’s actions and reactions since her return more understandable now that we have seen a play by play of what she went through?
Jan: Very much so. I know Roz, Liz, and Rueben have all speculated already that Jemma met someone over there, and I was coming around to agreeing. I had no thoughts, however, that she had developed a romantic relationship. It makes everything so much clearer, why she was reluctant to talk about what happened – she feared Fitz’ reaction.
Roz: Yes to the power of five thousand! I mean, I expected some level of trauma to have happened, but I didn’t expect a love to develop and for her to get so emotionally attached regardless of her love.
Liz: I think so, yes. I’m not surprised that there was someone else there on that planet, and that that was the reason she wanted to go back. I mean, all her friends and Fitz were on Earth so what else would make her want to go back so badly that she wanted to rebuild the monolith? It sure wasn’t her cell phone. LOL!
Rueben: Yep, totally. It was apparent that she went through sheer hell, but getting to see how things actually played out for her in that other world, brings her reactions (et al) into much clearer focus.
3. Did you expect Fitz to react the way he did to Jemma’s story, ready without question to help bring Will back?
Jan: It was a bit of a surprise to me, but it shouldn’t have been. It is very much his character. Fitz is always selfless, especially where Jemma is concerned. I think it may possibly affect him more later, but right now he’s all about helping. If anyone can find a way to bring Will back, it will be Fitz, and I hope he is successful.
Roz: I did. I think he’s always looking out for Jemma first – even if he’s angling for a date – but I also know that they have a relationship where they’re always going to help the other out. (See how Jemma helped Fitz after the end of the first season.)
Liz: At first I was surprised but on thinking upon it further, I’d like to think that he’d like to meet the man who kept his Jemma alive all that time.
Rueben: I was a little surprised at first, but then quickly rethought my initial reaction. They have been through SO much together and have been friends for SO very long, that it only makes sense that he would react that way, wanting to help her. He cares that much for her that he’d do anything even rescue “the other guy” she obviously cares so deeply for.
4. Team Fitzsimmons or Team Willma/Jill?
Jan: I can’t imagine there not being a Fitz-Simmons, but it doesn’t matter to me if it is a romantic relationship or friendship. They just work better together. I did like Will, and what he and Jemma developed. On the other hand, he’s been living in hell for 14 years. I’m not sure that’s the best frame of mind to develop something long term. If he is successfully rescued, he’s going to have a lot of adjusting to do.
Roz: I can’t pick right now. Give me another week.
Liz: We’ve had more time to watch the relationship between Jemma and Fitz develop, so I’ll always be for that couple.
Rueben: I adore Dillon Casey (who played Will), but since day one it’s been Fitzsimmons so I don’t think I could relinquish that “shipperdom” just yet. Although, there was an obvious spark between Will and Jemma. However, if they are able to rescue him, would there really be a future for Willma/Jill (whichever name is chosen for them) like there would be for Jemma and Fitz?
5. What was your favorite scene in the episode?
Jan: Not sure why I enjoyed it so much, but I really liked the scene that expanded upon the one in the first episode of the season – Jemma using dirt to stop the bleeding from the cut on her face. I liked seeing it in context with the new understanding of what she was doing in that moment.
Roz: Jemma’s last time using her phone to watch that birthday message before they set up the computer to run all of those tests.
Liz: I don’t think I had a favorite scene this week. I think that to date, it’s my favorite episode as a whole.
Rueben: The whole episode was just terrific I don’t think I could pick just one scene. Although it was touching to see how watching that birthday video made Jemma so happy even while being in dire straits. I also have to say that when Jemma saw that creation, apparition, whatever that was inside the dust storm – when it was inside the astronaut suit – I was almost ready to see River Song’s face (from Doctor Who) appear inside the helmet. It was only a momentary thought, but one that made me stop for a second and oh wait, wrong show…
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC.
Images ABC/Tyler Golden