BLINDSPOT Round table: Cede Your Soul
We are 6 episodes into BLINDSPOT and I swear more is revealed in the episode title/anagram than in the actual episodes themselves. We are hooked though so let’s see what we have so far:
“Woe Has Joined” (alternate title for the pilot): “Who is Jane Doe?”
“A Stray Howl”: “Taylor Shaw”
“Eight Slim Grins”: “The missing girl”
“Bone May Rot”: “Or maybe not”
“Split the Law”: “Will the past” or “The past will”
“Cede Your Soul”: “Cloud our eyes”
This episode focused on a hacker who designed a tracking device used on all government vehicles. Allowing the bad guys to track and destroy anyone for the right price.
It is also worth mentioning that Jane and Weller tried to define some boundaries with there personal and professional association. It didn’t go so well.
Reade can’t be as perfect as he seems, can he? He sure comes off as all kinds of morally righteous.
Roz: I think Reade’s the one who’s been unsure of Jane the whole time, but he also seems like the guy who will always follow orders. It comes off as morally righteous, but if he’s right most of the time, I’d be smug too.
Liz: I sure would like to see him stumble once. That being said, he does seem to be the one who keeps the team in check. Making them ask questions about certain things is sometimes good, when it’s done at the right time. I don’t mean to second guess every decision that needs to be make, though. I don’t see him doing that. But he does make these guys think about some things from a different perspective. I think every team needs that one person.
Cay: Someone has to be the by-the-book member of the team to keep everyone in line. I suspect we’ll start seeing him soften a bit in some situations
Lisa: Reade comes off as morally righteous, but every team needs a Reade to keep everyone in check. He follows the rules without getting emotionally involved. I do hope they dig deeper into his character so we can learn more about him and see what kind of secrets he has. We really don’t know much about him.
On the other side of things how long can Zapata hide her unraveling secret? She looked a little rough.
Roz: Between her gambling and her working for the CIA to pay it off, I think she’ll be the first to crack when it comes to what Jane does or doesn’t do.
Liz: I don’t think she’s going to be able to hide it for long. Reade is certainly noticing some red flags about her. My question is will she really and truly be able to give up her habit? That’s going to be interesting to watch.
Cay: yeah, Zapata is in trouble. My guess is that she’s going to end up doing something very illegal to get herself out of her predicament – rigging a case, destroying evidence, acting as an informant, etc for the main person she owes the money to. Alternatively, I guess the other thing she could do is admit her addiction, go into treatment, and narc on the people running the gambling ring, but my money is on the first.
Lisa: She is falling fast and I don’t think her secret will be a secret for much longer. Reade knows something is up with her and if she doesn’t blow it herself, I don’t think it will take him long to figure it out.
How did you like the case this week? It actually allowed Jane to befriend someone not in the FBI and the main person involved w/the tattoo didn’t die.
Roz: The case – for the first half – seemed way too easy but I think in the end, it was good to not have a case where the person we first meet connected to it didn’t die. But maybe that woman didn’t die because she needed to tell everyone to think about the extra ways that the tattoos could be revealing information. If that’s true, why didn’t the team realize that as soon as Jane’s infrared tattoo showed up.
Liz: It’s nice to see her growing. She’s at a point where she’s feeling the loneliness and the need for friends away from work. It means she’s learning to trust again. What I liked about the case this week is that someone else was able to provide insight to the tattoos. It freshens things up when outsiders help reveal the meaning of one. This week it was Ana, last week it was Patterson’s friend (?), or whatever he is. The guy who cleaned her house this week.
Cay: It seemed like it wrapped up too quickly. I looked at the clock and then wondered if we were going to get a second different story, but then the original story continued. I did like Ana hacking into the FBI to ask for help and leaving the VIN, that was pretty cool.
Lisa: I liked the case this week. It almost seemed too easy, but I really liked that they had an intelligent teenage girl as the hacker. She was very clever and I’m all about great female roles. I feel like Jane wanted to take her under her wing. I thought when they put her in protective custody that she would be placed with Jane. I was sad to see that didn’t happen. I think it would be good to see Jane relate to people outside of the FBI.
So man with the tree on his arm….friend or foe?
Roz: I think the man with the tree is another foe like the man in the woods/man in the hospital, but I was far too excited to see Francois Arnaud back on my TV. It’s really sad that I want to see him be sort of like his The Borgias character (his faults and proclivities and all!).
Liz: I think if we knew who he was on the phone with, that would give us a little direction. Was he sent there to watch Jane from the people who tattooed her? If we are to believe that those people are trying to help the FBI as Patterson suggested this week, then I’d say he’s a friend. I find it interesting that Jane’s dream of the tattooed guy is quite possibly a memory. Also, we still don’t know if Jane, herself, is friend or foe.
Cay: If Jane’s dream was more of a memory, then I’d say for at least one night he was HER friend, but considering we don’t know if she was friend or foe, that doesn’t provide much help. He seems to be the replacement for creepy bearded man. If we’re judging by tats alone, a tree with roots seems like a friend tat, not a villain tat…
Lisa: I’m on the fence. I’m leaning more towards friend because of her hot dream, but he did look a little suspicious when he was on the phone. Who was he talking to? Time will tell I guess.
BLINDSPOT airs Monday 10/9c on NBC