THE FLASH: “Flash of Two Worlds” {Recap}
So last week the show did a good job of setting up a season long villain in Zoom, but this week’s already making my head spin (or maybe that’s just my life right now) because we have a multi-verse.
Now, I’m reading comics (not DC, but you know) and I understand how a multi-verse works, but there’s something about them that seems better suited for a comic rather than TV. Sure, shows can use filters to tell the audience which world is which, but do we as an audience need overly complicated narratives?
Not helping the matter is that Cisco is having a reaction to whatever Barry found at the scene of the altercation. Or that it seems to involve precognition. His vibes are on point, but he’s not willing to be like Barry. I get that, but then talking about it also feels like it should be worth the time and energy.
Let’s be real here, there’s always comic book science (which today seems to be based in some real science) and it just seems like throwing all the tropes together for a reason. Last season with Wells did focus on time travel, but to do inter dimensional work just after makes my head hurt just a bit. There’s so many other ways to use the meta-humans than to make them the lesser or two evils.
We also watched as both Flashes were able to defeat the bad guy, but that feels hollow compared to what one of the multi-verse shows us: a world with Harrison Wells still alive. Is he that other speedster?