Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtable: A Wanted (Inhu)man
Lincoln is still trying to stay one step ahead of his hunters, but Rosalind will do anything to find him. Daisy tries her best to find him too, with Mack by her side. Hunter and May are more interested in finding Ward, whatever it takes. Meanwhile Simmons tries to readjust to being home, but surprises Bobbie with a proclamation that she needs to find her way back to the other world.
1. With all the Inhumans out there, Rosalind seems particularly focused on Lincoln. Do you think she has specific plans in mind for Lincoln or is it just as she said, they want him in custody because of the destruction he is capable of causing?
Louise: I think she has a specific idea about the known Inhumans – be it Lincoln or Daisy – so that her organization can know more of what they’re up against. It could be she wants him and Daisy specifically, but right now I think it’s more, if I know someone’s out there, I want them.
Jan: I think she wants all the Inhumans, but I do believe Lincoln in particular is of interest to her. I’m not sure exactly what her end game is, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be good for either Lincoln or Daisy to fall into her custody.
Liz: I think it was just like Coulson said. She needed to show results and he was on her radar. She didn’t really know what he could do until they started hunting him, and even then she didn’t know the extent of his power. She wanted to make an example of him.
Rueben: I’m not quite sure she and her team are so focused on Lincoln, as he’s obviously not the only Inhuman out there; and she didn’t even seem to know what powers he had. I think she is just so driven by her orders that she latched onto the first Inhuman and wants to make an example of him.
2. Do you think Lincoln will eventually realize Daisy (and SHIELD) are the only place he can turn? Or is his distrust of SHIELD too strong?
Louise: Eventually, he will. But I think he’ll come to SHIELD with all his issues and be a very cautious guy when he’s there.
Jan: I do believe he will end up at SHIELD. He doesn’t trust SHIELD, but I think for him it will be a case of the devil you know versus the devil you don’t know.
Liz: I think this last act of Coulson’s closed the door completely on Lincoln’s return to SHIELD or to Daisy. I’d be very surprised if he ever reached out to her again.
Rueben: After what happened with Coulson turning him in to save Daisy (the latter of which he doesn’t know about, of course), I think Lincoln is going to want to steer as far clear of SHIELD as possible.
3. Any theories as to why Simmons feels she has to go back to the other universe?
Louise: I think there’s someone there that she met and needs to help, but I hope she goes once she’s a little more emotionally stable.
Jan: I’m very curious. She isn’t stable at all right now, so I’m not sure if it’s just that instability talking, but my instinct is that something or someone she saw there will prove to be valuable.
Liz: I think she ran into someone else there. I think there’s another living person still trapped there.
Rueben: There has to be someone there who she is worried about. I can’t imagine any other reason she would want to go back. Maybe it was the guy from the past who was sucked inside?
4. Which victory was more satisfying, Hunter’s long fought blood bath or May’s simultaneous triple take down?
Louise: May’s just because she was underestimated more than I think Hunter was.
Jan: I felt for Hunter, he was one giant, bloody bruise. While I admire his determination and grit, though, there is always something so satisfying about seeing May dish out what the bad guys have coming to them (and doing it with style).
Liz: Oh May’s personal fight club, for sure! I think Hunter is a disaster on his own, to tell the truth.
Rueben: May’s victory was just great for female empowerment; but I think Hunter’s blood bath was more satisfying (in a way).
5. Favorite scene in the episode?
Louise: The dinner scene with Fitz and Simmons. Broke my heart at the end.
Jan: Coulson cutting into the White House communications to contact Rosalind was pretty awesome. I have to admit, though, that I was thrilled when Daniel Roebuck appeared onscreen as Lincoln’s old friend John Donnelly. I didn’t know he was in this episode, and it was a wonderful surprise.
Liz: My favorite scene was when Hunter, May and Hunter’s “buddy” were drinking, and right after she says how hard they are to understand when they are sober, they give us subtitles for the conversation. That was perfect!
Rueben: I loved the restaurant scene between Fitz and Simmons – such a heartbreaking moment. He is being just so gentle and kind with her.
6. Who was the “A Wanted (Inhu)man” VIP?
Louise: Even though I think his fight wasn’t as powerful, Hunter, because he’s getting into the belly of the beast.
Jan: I’m going to have to go with Hunter. Even if he’s outmatched, he has enough heart to overcome it. You have to admire his determination to get to Ward.
Liz: I’m going with Agent May this week. I loved how she allowed herself to be taken off to a separate room with the three thugs, and then after taking them all out, tells the one that she’ll keep their secret of being taken out by a “little Asian woman”. Priceless!
Rueben: It was great to see May take down those three guys when they clearly thought they were going to get the better of her, but I have to agree with Louise that Hunter really won the VIP this time around.
Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC.
Images: ABC/Kelsey McNeal/Jordin Althaus