DOMINION Finale – ‘Sine Deo Nihil’ Death, Epic Betrayals & Satan
We begin with a stunner! Alex, spontaneously evicted the attacking eight-ball horde! File that under bet-ya-didn’t-know! However, there is no time to waste because in comes Claire’s Daddy Dyad to take the city.
Alex quickly gets Claire up to speed on her father’s possessed status and they try to form a plan of attack while Daddy Dyad takes over. Claire runs toward her father instead of leaving for the safety of Helena in the hopes of stopping Daddy Dyad before he kills Alex.
Claire gets herself taken to her father. All goes awry with ‘Duma’ and even though she was able to speak to her father all was lost. Their interaction was painful. “Dad. Can you stop it…come on you can do this. Please!” In the end Claire was able to kill her father with Noma’s help in defense of Alex, but not before she herself, was shot. Claires death was equal parts beauty and terror.
Daddy Whele actually looks contrite. Arika shared her twisted kind of death logic with David. Bad Touch! Bad Touch! It seems that later David agreed because after one last kiss of death he decided to face the eight-ball army single handed instead of leaving to safety with Arika.
Noma and Alex share a honest moment in the tunnels and revealed his true feelings. “I fell in love with another woman years ago.” Sadly, Alex didn’t have a moment to mourn the loss of Claire and Noma was right by his side to keep him going.
Gabriel is still in the throws of his evil infestation and drags Michael back to the eternal bonfire in search of Lucifer. No one rants better than Gabriel! And, in comes the mysterious Django dude. During the conversation Gabriel succumbs to his illness and Michael calls in his marker to Lucifer in asking for his brother’s healing. Somehow I think turning Gabriel into a Tiki Torch wasn’t quite what he meant!
Who knew Medium Rare did the trick in healing Gabriel? The Archangel didn’t have much time to revel in his recovery due to Lucifer’s lackey’s revelation. Noma betrayed them all again to Lucifer in exchange for the return of her wings!
When Noma reveals her newly winged status to Alex we are treated to the perfect agonizing cliffhanger! What will she do? Will the brothers united save Alex in time from Lucifer? Guess who’s going to be Season three’s bad guy??
• Looks like Julian will soon be back in business and Season Three will have their new adversary in Lucifer himself!
• Great backstory on Noma. She triple betrayed everyone and I get it! I completely understand why she did it.
• Best line of the night! “You don’t add water and Bingo! Get another Lucifer.” ~ Gabriel
• I can’t wait to see Helena in Season three!
• Alex in the elevator was hilarious! Thank you for the tiny moment of happiness in an especially intense episode.