DEFIANCE – Season Finale! Near Deaths & Bittersweet Goodbyes
Kindzi captures Stahma’s grandson which leaves Ms. Tarr right where she wants her. At her feet. Thankfully, Datak arrives just in time and Wolverines her like a champ! The reunited family escapes leaving Kindzi to unstaple herself from the wall.
The gangs all present and quickly formulate a plan of attack on the Omec. Doc Yewll is the only one in the know and the team is forced to work together for the greater good. All this is awesome, because the Omec waste not time in food-gathering from the town!
Amanda is injured in the scuffle forcing the team to leave without her. The invaders arrive on the Omec ship unscathed save for Doc who undergoes an horrific ‘integration’ into the computer. You know it’s awful when even Datak hesitates!
Stahma remains behind to care for Amanda which gives Lady Tarr the time to apologize in a way that the Mayor receives. Their reconciliation was rudely interrupted by hungry Omec and, would you look at that! The Side Braid of Justice gathered enough strength to kill them all! “Spoiled Meat” my fanny!
Things quickly go from bad to worse when Yewll reveals she will have to go down with the ship! That’s our favorite Indogene! Sarcasm to the very end! Speaking of endings, Kindzi arrives for a final show-down with Nolan. She got in one last lick before Nolan sent her to Jesus. Wonder if he smelled like pancakes?
Nolan tries to leave post-haste and Irisa throws a kink in the chain when she refuses to leave. “We can save the Omec…..One last adventure?” Irisa, my dear, you have the most beautiful heart! Nolan agrees just long enough to trick his baby girl into leaving.
Grant Bowler was right, he teased there would be another Johnny Cash reference in the finale. My oh my, what a beautiful one it was! The departure of Doc Yewll and Nolan was bittersweet and left us all with a big giant question for next season. Will they find their way back home?
Will Alak forever be a victim?
Will Irisa and Alak create their own family now that Nolan is absent?
Will Defiance be renewed for a fourth season? I ask only because Syfy stopped promoting Defiance half way through this season which begs me to question they might know something we don’t.