Killjoys 1.10 – ‘Enemy Khlyen’ LEVEL FREAKING SIX!
The trio continues to operate apart. Dutch pays D’avin a visit in his new pad at the bar revealing she still cares despite her best efforts. She later works out any frustrations in a sparring session with John who reveals a new tech toy designed to find Khylen.
The neuro-thingy is the strangest game of Where’s Waldo I’ve ever seen! It’s untested and unsafe which means it’s right up Dutch’s alley! Dutch users the new device to find Khlyen but not without a few harrowing moments along the way.
Khlyen is in the R. A. C. on level seventy-one! The two begin planning their infiltration which piques D’avin’s interest especially when he hears the target! The three are reunited once again and gain entry under the guise of a divorce.
D’avin steps up and creates a most ingenious plan thanks to Alvis allowing Dutch the time to reach Khylen. Dutch demands answers from Khlyen who doesn’t bite right up until Dutch tricks him into believing she poisoned herself! And, the truth he revealed is a whopper! Khlyen is level SIX!
Dutch forces D’avin and Jacoby to escape with Lucy and arrives back on Westerlyn thanks to her new Fairy Godfather which leads to more questions than answers. What does he want from Dutch and what is he preparing her for? We need answers!
Observations and Questions:
• Thankfully we get more backstory on Khlyen and young Ylenna (Dutch). Could it be true? Is he somehow on her side?
• I want to know the story of the wasp and the bear!
• Words cannot express just how much I love the relationship between Dutch and John. We all should be so lucky to have a friend like John Jacobis. He IS her True North!
• What is Red 17?