DEFIANCE 3.09 – ‘When Twilight Dims the Sky Above’ Delusions, Death & Surprise Reunions
The Shiraz is almost re-fueled and Daddy Omec has a decision to make. Australia looks good to T’evgin and he invites Stahma to help him acclimate his race to living in peace on earth. Pun intended.
Nolan’s been drinking all night which is a bad thing cause in rolls the Voltanis Collective! Vice Chancellor Silora arrives with an esteemed guest in tow. Wait for it…..Datak! And, just like that the Great Purple Lover is left in the dirt. Apparently Rahm Tak was rouge and get this…they are here to help! Do you believe it? It seems far too good to be true!
Of course, there’s a catch. Silora Voske wants Amanda to broker a peace deal with the Omec. Amanda knew just the person to strong-arm into help, Stahma! Lady Tarr sweet-talks T’evgin into attending the reception but didn’t intend on Kindzi crashing the party. Poor Doc Yewll, you know she didn’t want to do it!
Before Kindzi had the chance to eat the guest, in comes Nolan who, in his delusional state, shoots the Vice Chancellor. Iris manages to keep Nolan from being shot to death, but his capture means a trim to South America for trial with Irisa in tow because of their Indogene bond.
• Daddy Tarr comes in with a bionic arm and toasts to peace, sadly no one was buying what he was selling except Stahma. I guess the devil you know is better than The Enchanter.
• What in the world is going on? And where did this storyline of Nolan leaving Defiance appear? I sure hope the writers have a plan!
• What will Kindzi do now that she has control?? Feast? Will Stahma be on the menu?