DEFIANCE – 3.08 ‘Ostinato in White’ Clones, Unforgiveness & Wayward Daughters
Doc Yewll is dead! Whaaat? Oh wait! it’s a clone! Well, well, it seems Kindzi has been a very bad Omec! Not only is she ‘feeding’ but she took a piece of the Doc and cloned her own food stock! EEW! Talk about bloodthirsty! When Nolan and Irisa took the body to Yewll to autopsy weird doesn’t begin to cover how that must feel!
As the camp mourns the loss of their dead, Nolan can’t help but believe it’s all his fault. So say we all who survive a tragedy. Knowing that helps, even if it’s just a tiny bit. Nolan knew words fail during times like these and found no good ones for comfort. Irisa understood all too well how it feels.
The sheriff tries to reconcile with one of the dead soldersFather to no avail. He then moves on to another well known coping mechanism, alcohol! No luck there either! And, he should be thanking his lucky stars Kindzi didn’t bite something off and make it worse instead of better!
T’evgin met up with Alak after Daddy Tarr’s funeral and sent out some feelers on behalf of Stahma. Lets just say the temperature was Arctic when it comes to reuniting with Mommy Dearest. Daddy Omec is a kind soul! Well color me surprised. His care in dealing with Stahmas grief was a thing of beauty. Too bad the feelings didn’t extend to his daughter when he found out what she was doing.
Well, maybe I am wrong. Placing her into cryo-sleep was the kindest evil he could offer his daughter. It was the only way he could ensure her survival.
• What will Doc Yewll do, given her new body jewelry and mandate from Kindzi? Will she “rescue” her betrayer?
• Stahma has a tough row to hoe in Defiance. I’m thinking Datak’s return will change all that!
• I am most curious about T’evgin! What are his plans? I hope he is a permanent addition to Defiance!