DEFIANCE – 3.07 ‘My Name is Datak Tarr and I have Come to Kill You!’ Ultimate Survivor!
Thanks to the newly renovated Indogene, Christopher Beckman, aka Bebe, successfully delivers a credible threat from Rham Tak and infiltrates Defiance Society as a new shooter! Remind me again why Rham Tak is the leader. Bebe seems much more capable and I bet he doesn’t have a ear eating habit to maintain!
Stahma continues her trip down the rabbit hole thanks for Kindzi who reveals the truth behind T’vgin’s arrival in hopes it will force her father to kill Lady Tarr. It didn’t work. Omec changed his mind regarding the humans and decided a different tack. Must have been the pancakes that turned the tide!
Bebe continues to execute his deception flawlessly and leads Nolan into a perfect trap. He successfully takes out a majority of Defiance’s fighting force in one big bang save for Nolan, Irisa and Alak!
Bebe’s perfect plan worked right up until he attacked Nolan. What he didn’t expect was the red ball of fury that was Irisa when her Father was threatened! The chick is back!!
This attack left everyone with few options and all of them bad! Doc Yewll had a suicide mission and what do you know? Datak Tarr agreed to the plan in exchange for a full pardon for both himself and his wayward wife. Amanda knows beggars can’t be choosers and agreed to his terms.
Datak is the ULTIMATE SURVIVOR! Not only was able to successfully enter Rham Tak’s camp and blow it up, but he managed to save his own skin in the process! Well, minus one arm that is! I’d say that was a nice exchange considering his past behavior!
Observations & Questions:
• T’vgen says it is not his fight but his actions speak otherwise! He recognized a certain honor in the citizens of Defiance and Kindzi’s actions forced his decision to one of inclusion before he was quite ready.
• Kindzi is the new wild card!
• Alak! The dude takes it upon himself to step up and gets shot for his trouble! Come on writers! Give him a chance!
• Nolan now faces the same pain Irisa experienced. Thankfully Irisa is there to help him navigate those painful waters she is so familiar with.