DOMINION 2.03 – ‘The Narrow Gate’ We all died a little tonight!
Alex is sent into a dungeon in search of a certain key attached to an insane 8-ball. Talk about EXTREME Hide-and-seek! The Chosen One finds more than just a key, he finds General Risen! Wowzers!
Laurel is digging a grave but it’s not for Harper, its’ her own. Apparently the fire stays lit by a sacrifice of epic proportions. I am totally feeling an Aslan Wardrobe vibe on this! I agree with Michael, this is insane. The conflicted angel for his part is feeling the magnitude and weight of his own sins and decides to make an even higher sacrifice. His own life in exchange for hers!
Whaaat??? Say it isn’t so! Michael’s pain is palpable when he speaks of his pain in not hearing Father’s voice. As his heart breaks so does our own! And, when the knife plunges into his heart we all died as well!
Michael’s resurrection couldn’t come soon enough! By the time that wing appeared from the grave I was completely exhausted! Thank God!
Gabriel for his part is still trying to infiltrate Vega while at the same time attack New Delphi in search of Alex. In the process we are treated with a beautiful backstory between the two brothers that turns their whole dynamic in its head!
Michael was the blood-thirsty one while Gabriel was pure!
Claire is going to the dark side! Talk about hard core! She seeks out her tech-guy Gates to track down her would-be assassin Zoie! Gates accepts the job but finds the rebels in an abandoned warehouse behind The Flamingo. When one of her military team failed to take out the aforementioned assassin, Claire was ruthless in her determination to find out the truth! Great shot girl!
Observations & Questions:
• Did you catch the SAW vibe when Alex went “fishing” after the key?
• I am so in love with the backstory on Gabriel and Michael! Gabriel has been completely misunderstood!
• What force is keeping the fire lit?
• “Im not the man you think I am. But, I can be if you’ll let me” We believe in you Michael!
• Now that General Risen has seen with his own two eyes Alex at work….what will he do?
• Gabriel’s expression upon his brothers death let us know just how much love remained between the two!
• Julian! Who /What are you???