DEFIANCE – 3.06 ‘Beauty of Our Weapons’ Shame, Fear & Fallen Goddesses
A Von Bach weapons dealer rolls into town and is greeted by a mighty fist sandwich by Berlin. Clearly here is some unfinished history between the two. Over drinks later, the two realize a certain meddling mother was to blame!
Von Bach tries to talk Berlin into leaving town with him. The idea seems particularly appealing and her family talk with Amanda just confirmed it. I’m with Amanda on this one Berlin. “You’re a coward.”
Nolan is marshaling the troops and after Von Bach’s generous donation is in full Drill Instructor Mode! Irisa, for her part is swimming in guilt about her newly pacifist status. She’s not the only one. The new recruits are restless. They are looking for something to believe in and “The Amazing Goddess of the Badlands” is just what they are looking for! Sometimes it’s tough being a Superhero.
Irisa does her best to live up to expectations and reports for duty. Sadly, her PTSD stood up and shouted “Howdy!” leaving our Goddess in tears. I am totally Team Irisa and she gets a gold star for effort!
Stahma is hiding out with her new purple lover, T’evgin however Kindzi is choking on all the sugar in the atmosphere. I can’t tell if she is really angry or just jealous over Stahmas magic chivo! Kindizi’s bath time purring scene confirmed the later. Thankfully Daddy Omec stepped in at the last moment!
Datak is behind bars and is due to die. Before he goes, he has a too-little-too-late heart-to-heart with Alak and asks for death by a Shaming Rack. “It’s the only way to remove the stain from my immortal soul.” When we left Daddy Tarr he wasn’t dead yet. Here’s to hoping he is rescued at the 11th hour!
• “Why does everyone hurt each other?” Loved the honest talk about fear between Nolan and Irisa. Sometimes you need a person with skin on to give you a hug and tell you it will be alright. Even if it won’t.
• I think the newly arrived “best shot’ is too good to be true. Maybe he is a machine.
• Sometimes the fight just isn’t in you anymore. Thankfully Irisa’s weakness was handled with love.
“The strong defend the weak. It’s not fair. But it is right.”
• What kind of trippity trip did Kindzi give Stahma?