KILLJOYS Premiere! Reclamation Agents & Galactic Fight Club
Welcome to the world of Killjoys who are Reclamation Agents NOT Bounty Hunters. Dutch and her partner, John are what is known as Killjoys. Killjoys have given up any allegiances. The warrant is all! Dutch is a level five with permission to execute kill warrants, while John is still training at a level three.
The Dynamic Duo’s little team is threatened when John goes rouge and executes a warrant above his authority. Dutch takes Lucy the ship and goes after her errant partner. As it turns out, the person named in the warrant is none other than John’s estranged brother D’avin who is currently involved in a galactic version of Fight Club!
John enters the ring to confront his brother and has a plan for their escape. Their little reunion is cut short none too soon for John by Dutch who “Claims” her quarry with a well placed dart. The three escape but aren’t out of hot water yet. Once a warrant is executed it must be cleared and Dutch could loose her freedom in the process.
Her solution comes from God. And, boy that guy does not mess around. Suspension and prayer is creepy to the max. God offers Dutch a possible way out in the form of a trade. They decide to give RAC (Reclamation Apprehension Coalition ) something they want more than D’avin.
The three set out to Kush after their new target and get some dress-up time in the process. D’avin tries his best, but when Dutch shows up gorgeous he has a terrible time keeping his eyes to himself! When their quarry goes on the run, Dutch saves the day with a magic spidey necklace despite poison dart attack. Her survivor came in the form of a mysterious “Silver Fox” who appears to save the day. Clearly this chick has a dark past she doesn’t want to revisit. Well, at least her
hallucinations are helpful…..for now.
With the acquisition of their new target the warrant on Da’vn was cancelled however Dutch must still answer for her errant ways. When she goes before the board, her transgression is begrudgingly rescinded, but not without some extreme prejudice. Did her reprieve come from our mysterious Silver Fox?
Musings, Observations and Questions
• Old Town has some major Blade Runner vibes! Bravo!
• Favorite line is a tie between Johns Giant Gahones! “There’s some chafing, yes.” and Dutch, “I have a half ass plan.”
• Lucy’s got some great humor! “Ass kicking eminent.” The ship makes a most excellent fourth team member.
• Dutch is most definitely the boss!
• Who is the Silver Fox dude that keeps haunting Dutch.
• Who issued the kill warrant on D’avin?
• Battle Brain aka PTSD is a timely story line.
• Dutch had a very different pre-school than the rest of us!
• Love the sibling banter between the brothers! “Little gun for a little brother!”
• Algae Beer for everyone!