ARROW: “My Name is Oliver Queen” {Recap}
Here we are at the finale of another season of Arrow and let’s see what we’ve got in store for us.
Surprise! No one in Team Arrow died from the Alpha-Omega virus because Merlyn had everyone vaccinated when they were captured and even better, Barry was able to come in and save them all from the dungeon. However, not everyone who just arrived is leaving: Tatsu is going back to her solitude for reasons that she won’t explain in detail to Laurel.
Ra’s is really not happy that Oliver wants to be himself rather than the next leader of the League of Assassins, but that’s nothing new for him. Of course that’s before he and Nyssa have to make a rather hard landing to save themselves.
But now Oliver, back in Starling City, has to face the wrath of Diggle and Felicity to explain to them why he was working with Ra’s to help save the city. Neither understand the idea of trying to destroy the League of Assassins from the inside out, and given that they aren’t often forced into horrible situations, it makes sense that they’d be unsure of what Oliver was dealing. Diggle’s going to try and put that behind him and focus on the virus getting out, though he doesn’t sound pleased about it.
Felicity’s level of snooping does yield this piece of information: Ra’s’ archenemy is in town right now and so not only was Ra’s going to try and kill all of Starling City for Oliver’s ascension, but also kill his other foe without any more effort. Oh but the plan doesn’t work out as well, as Ra’s’ enemy isn’t actually in town but it was a nice try. While Ra’s is telling Oliver that, he also tells Oliver about how all of Starling is going to die thanks to the virus.
Captain Lance at least will listen to Laurel and has the police help with getting people out of city. But rather than face Oliver out in the open just yet, Ra’s just uses all of his men to distribute the virus around town.
While Felicity and Ray watch the virus spread, they each figure out that his nanotech and the vaccine can be used together to stop the spread of it to anymore people.
Of course as Oliver and Ra’s fight out in the middle of the street, one of Lance’s men want to shoot one or both men as threats to the city. Ray won’t even leave the Foundry to save Oliver because saving the city is more important. However, Lance’s man wanting to kill Oliver isn’t as important when Oliver manages to get the best or Ra’s and stab him a few times for good measure. Just as Oliver did what he was told to do, however, Lance’s man takes the shots and sends him over the damn before Felicity – in Ray’s suit – saves him.
City saved, through team work, Oliver still wants to make sure that his collective team knows that they are collective heroes. With the Arrow gone, Oliver wants to discover who he could be with Felicity at his side far away from Starling with the rest of Team Arrow to do the heroing. Diggle may not be able to get past what happened between he and Oliver, but Oliver is asking for help to protect the city – maybe with a disguise of some sort.
Merlyn, too, is leaving Starling and while he’s gone Thea’s going to be Speedy – a Red Arrow – of sorts. However, before he goes, Oliver does give him something for their deal and perhaps they’ll still be enemies. Because the deal is that Merlyn is now Ra’s al Ghul.
In the moment we needed to see, Ray’s trying to figure out more with his ATOM suit and ends up exploding the building. Oops?
Now that Oliver’s free of the Arrow name, he and Felicity are off to some coast for a life where Oliver can finally be happy.
Arrow will return for season four in the fall on the CW.

Roz lives in the Los Angeles area, and has been a long time California girl. Despite her better judgment, she enjoys shows about the shallow sides of her home city, but will also find time to watch iZombie, Jane the Virgin, and much more. With a love of history, she also watches anything that is grounded in real life, including Victoria and black-ish. Having worked with children, she also follows shows she knows they watch (reminding her of those days of yore for her in the process). Contact her at roz@nicegirlstv.com.