NEW GIRL Recap: Clean Break
Season finale time on New Girl. Let’s see where they leave everyone, shall we?
Coach is leaving for NY. He moved a lot as a child and has a system. He calls it a clean break, if it isn’t essential then it gets tossed. “Memories are not essential. That’s what makes the system work.” By the end of the episode Coach realizes maybe that isn’t completely true this time. He packs a few things that are not essential but are full of memories. There are a few tears and lots of hugs at the end when they see Coach off.
Schmidt takes Coach’s idea of a clean break and runs with it. He marches right down to the donation bin and gets rid of his Cece box. Seconds later he regrets it and try as he might he can’t get it back. He ends up sitting on the corner waiting for the guy to do the pick up.
Wally, that’s the pick up guy, does show up but he doesn’t want to give Schmidt his stuff back. In the end Schmidt pays him $500.00 for one thing in the box, a $5 bill. It was the money Schmidt put in the jar the first time he saw Cece. He said something stupid and she made him put the money in. Only he fished it back out and has kept it all this time.
When he gets back to the loft he tells Nick and Jess he knows Cece will never love him, he has to move on. Jess can’t take it anymore. She doesn’t want to meddle, she promised Cece, but she needs Schmidt to know how Cece feels. So she tells Nick, who is standing next to Schmidt, Cece is in love with Schmidt.
Schmidt is beside himself, he can’t wait for Cece to get back, he is going to go to her. He opens the door to find Cece standing there. She finally got all of Winston and Jess’s voicemails informing her of Schmidt and Fawn’s break up. They declare their love for one another while the gang watches, all smiles.
Then Schmidt pulls the $5 out, Cece grins as she remembers what Schmidt said all those years ago, “Girl, I’m gonna marry you.” Now all these years later, he gets on one knee and asks, “Girl, will you marry me?” Cece says yes! She and Schmidt are going to get married!
Also during the episode Nick has been having a hard time with the clean break idea. He is a hoarder. One possession that comes up is Jess and Nick’s sex mug. Apparently when they wanted to make love or bone, depending on which on you asked, they would put the mug on the hall table. The other one would then know it was time.
They say it’s been a year since they broke up so they don’t use the mug anymore. Winston however says he saw the mug out on the table just last week. Nick admits he put the mug out. He regrets nothing. Only a little while later Jess thanks Nick for covering for her, she put the mug out. Jess wonders if there is ever a time when Nick wanted to put the mug out but he says no – clean break. Liar.
Together they agree to toss the mug out once and for all. That night Nick and Jess both go to get it out of the garbage to find it isn’t there. They think the other has it and the looks on their faces say their might be hope. Turns out Winston took the mug, for his cat.
Until next season…
New Girl airs Tuesday 9/8c on Fox