ARROW: “Al Sah-Him” {Recap}
Is it right that we start this recap by saying that Oliver is dead? Or is it too soon because the man we know as Oliver is learning how to be Ah Sah-Him.
Diggle why would you not leave? Oh are you telling the truth and that the League has kept you prisoner or would you stupid enough to come back? Either way, this is stupid; fighting Al Sah-Him or Oliver is never good. As you can’t actually see. Ha! That was just some hallucination, thank goodness. I don’t want to see Diggle die.
R’as al Ghul goes about Al Sah-Him about the vengeful enemies that want to threaten the new reign, which pretty much just foreshadows that A Sah-Him needs to kill all his friends to maintain his position. Great position to be in!
Back in Starling City, Black Canary and the rest of Team Arrow that are still in town are still trying to beat up all the criminals in town. That’s before Nyssa gets to try a french fry dipped in milk shake. Laurel’s nice enough to give Nyssa grease and sugar before the bomb of Al Sah-Him’s rise to the throne. Nyssa at least knows that Al Sah-Him will come to kill her with plenty of men.
That’s before we see the rest of the team eating at Diggle’s apartment having conversations about Diggle’s need for an outfit before delving into the world without Oliver. It doesn’t look like anyone else is handling Oliver’s departure well, especially Thea, who can’t seem to leave the house most days.
With Nyssa’s news, Felicity goes into hysterics because she can’t believe that Oliver would still do that. Too bad Felicity hasn’t seen the crazy brainwashing that Al Sah-Him underwent. But because Team Arrow does protect all those innocent people in Starling City, they’ll protect Nyssa from Al Sah-Him.
One very cool fight scene between Ah Sah-Him and Nyssa is broken up by Diggle and Black Canary but rather than fight the two of them, Al Sah-Him just jumps off the building and goes into places unknown. Laurel wants to still think that Oliver’s buried somewhere under Al Sah-Him, but Nyssay can’t believe it (and she has more reason to understand that than anyone else).
Finally seeing what Ah Sah-Him did, Felicity and Diggle believe that Oliver might truly be lost to them all.
Thea has a hard time believing that Oliver is really gone, and asks Merlyn for help as to understand why, because ultimately she thinks that she can save Oliver from Al Sah-Him. That might not matter as Al Sah-Him took Lyla and has her tied up on the condition that Diggle bring Nyssa to a warehouse for their final battle. Diggle uses his own personal fear of having Lyla captured to get Nyssa to go see Al Sah-Him. Laurel makes the moral high-ground to say that if Diggle gives over Nyssa, he’s not the only one who’s lost his soul this week.
We get one more epic battle – complete with Lyla and some guns stashed in Felicity’s coat – but it doesn’t seem to help Nyssa stay out of Al Sah-Him’s grasp. That’s just before Thea puts an arrow to Al Sah-Him’s hand and the rest of things looks bleak for our Team Arrow friends.
Team Arrow is now just Diggle, Felicity, Laurel and Thea. All of them forgetting Oliver. However that is only part of the message since Al Sah-Him didn’t need to kill Nyssa to have control, but he can marry her to make sure of that. Because that’s a great solution to the problems of being R’as al Ghul.
However depressing this week’s episode was, it might end on a happy note as Thea learns that Roy’s not dead, but off making a new life for himself that might someday include her.
Spoke too soon about the happy note because Al Sah-Him’s final act to be R’as is to kill everyone in Starling City with the Alpha-Omega bio-weapon.
Arrow airs on Wednesdays at 8 PM Eastern/7 PM Central on the CW.
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