NEW GIRL Recap: Panty Gate
This episode is all about breakup’s and makeup’s.
May tells Coach she has a job offer in NY and she has to take it so they decide to break up. However Coach doesn’t take it well. Crying and incoherent sentences and all of that.
Nick and Winston take Coach out, something they do after every one of Coach’s breakup’s only May confides in Jess that she thinks she loves Coach. She doesn’t want to be without him. They head to the bar so May can ask Coach to move to NY with her. When they get there they find Coach dancing with at least six woman. May is heartbroken and she leaves. Coach is upset that May is upset and after a lot of beer he realizes he loves May too. Nick, Jess and Coach go find May and they reconcile. They each say they love on another and decide to move to NY.
Schmidt and Fawn meanwhile are trying to get what the media is calling Panty Gate under control. Fawn holds a press conference where she has Schmidt say he told her to not wear underwear because he is a sick man. Schmidt is not happy about this.
As a follow up to this craziness Fawn plans an underwear buying trip for the media. She tells Schmidt to flip out and make a scene, they will send him to rehab and when he gets out they will announce they are getting married. Apparently there is a rehab for men who don’t like woman to wear underwear? Schmidt is not on board with this plan at all. He wants to be in love, crazy in love or maybe drunk in love. It looks like he also wants to quote Beyoncè. In order to protect her reputation Schmidt causes a fake scene to cover the breakup and storms out.
Cece during this episode decides she can’t be around Schmidt and Fawn. She is going to climb Mt. Shasta. Clear her head. Now that Schmidt and Fawn have broken up hopefully this will just be a passing idea.
And finally – Jess spent the episode meddling in everyone’s business. She declared herself the Love Doctor at one point and her bangs drove me crazy. They were a mess.
New Girl airs 9/8c on Fox