THE GOOD WIFE – 6.20 ‘The Deconstruction’ Kalinda’s goodbye & Alicia’s shame
Alicia takes the walk of shame this time with husband Peter dutifully by her side. When her speech is over she asks the one question we were all thinking.”What do I do now?” As it turns out, you can go home again and even David Lee is congenial. Which makes me worried. Things are not as they seem.
Alicia recovers at home with some quality sofa time with her daughter and vintage TV. All is well until she receives a call form one of her clients telling her something different. Communication is everything and when the information is incorrect disasters can happen. David Lee in his infinite wisdom decided to make matters worse by going after Alica’s clients instead of just asking the truth.
Cary has a decision and he makes the call however, Kalinda beats him to the punch. Ms. Sharma is on the clock and as only twenty-four hours to get enough evidence or the ASA will accept Cary’s offer. Kalinda gets caught red-handed by Bishop when she leaves a tell-tale window open on his laptop leads directly to Lemond’s second hand man Dexter.
ASA Pine doesn’t take long once evidence is turned over and an arrest is made right away. Cary makes matters worse for everyone and adds to the confusion when he tells Dexter he was the one who turned states evidence. Poor Agos. He meant well.
Kalinda knows her number is up and makes haste in tying up all her loose ends before departing. Her call to Alicia turned the whole partner debacle around just in time to prevent Alicia torpedoing her friendship with Diane. It seems only fitting that Kalinda said goodbye without actually saying goodbye to anyone at all, save Alicia.
In the very end, Diane’s new buddy RD makes the decision when he points out the pink elephant in the room named scandal. Alicia is damaged goods and the firm has to say no. Ms. Florrik is bereft and Peter, bless his heart, actually does a great job in imitating a nice person while consoling his wife.
• “The Softhearted Liberal in her natural habitat.” Great line.
• No one does chaos better than David Lee and seeing him channel Loki was invigorating.
• Goodbye Kalinda as it turns out, we’re gonna miss you after all.
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com