It’s all about humanity in Mystic Falls. Stefan got his back (thank goodness) and now it’s time to bring the real Caroline back. This cold, heartless, mean-girl Caroline has got to go! Let’s get down to it!
Damon, Stefan and Elena had a plan to get Caroline’s humanity back. Stefan had to trick Caroline into believing that he did not turn his humanity switch back on after seeing his mother. He found Caroline and got her to a bed and breakfast. Stefan ordered towels so the delivery boy could be their dinner. Surprise! Damon was the delivery boy and shot Caroline with vervain darts, and then Stefan to keep the lie going.
They had “vampire proofed” the bed and breakfast so Caroline and Stefan were trapped. Elena showed up with a letter that Sherriff Forbes sent to Caroline with the intention of her reading it after she died. Caroline took one look at it and told Stefan to burn it. He tried to talk her out of it but her mind was made up. She lit a match and Stefan, although hesitant, burned the letter and told Elena she would have to try harder. Damn. They really should not have done that.
Bonnie was supposed to meet Mama Salvatore for lunch (really just to stall her while she looked for the ascendant) when Enzo came into the restaurant and saw her. Enzo joined her while she waited for Bonnie and found out that she didn’t abandon him the night she turned him into a vampire, she was captured by the Gemini coven.
Meanwhile Bonnie was at casa de Salvatore looking for the ascendant. Matt called and gave her a heads up that Mama Salvatore left with Enzo after Bonnie didn’t show up. She heard them coming in the house just as she found the ascendant. *Insert deep sigh* that was a close call. Mama Salvatore was upset that is was gone. That was her only way to bring her “family” back. She called Damon and threatened to destroy the cure to vampirism if he did not get the ascendant back for her.
At the hotel, Caroline figured out that Stefan had already flipped his humanity back on and he was part of the plan. She wasn’t too happy about it and snapped his neck. Then she kicked the door down and had the most badass exit walk down the hall. Caroline is scary without her humanity.
Stefan put images of Caroline’s mother in her head and it was starting to work, but Caroline was fighting it. After a few more visions of her mother her humanity came back and she cried like only Caroline can. It was heartbreaking. She was so sad about burning the letter and never knowing what her mother’s last words to her were. Poor Caroline.
Mama Salvatore was busy causing trouble. She didn’t have the ascendant so she left the cure in a ring box for Elena to find. When Elena questioned Damon about it, Mama Salvatore told Elena that she left it out for her because Damon was never going to give it to her. Ouch. Damon had so explaining to do.
Damon admitted that the thought of losing her scared him to death. All he saw in his future was her. He wanted her to have the life she wanted, to live in the city, have a family and be happy. So, his solution? He wants to take the cure with her and become a human too. WHAT??? I cannot see Damon Salvatore as a human (and wouldn’t he just shrivel up and die like Katherine did?). Never a dull moment in Mystic Falls.
Quote of the night: Damon to Caroline – “You’re a real bitch when you’re hungry.” True story Damon!
Favorite Tweets:
@AndySwift – Bonnie is one of the few people who consistently calls Damon out for his s**t and I love her for it! #TVD
@KeepitScripted – Lilly was more moved seeing Lorenzo again than her sons. Get ur priorities straight lady! #TVD
@TVDLucy – Wooah wait I’m confused if Damon takes the cure…Surely he’ll age really quickly and die like Katherine did?!?! #TVD
What did you think about this episode? Did your chin hit the floor when Damon said he would take the cure too? Do you think he will? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on The CW.