THE FLASH: “Who is Harrison Wells?” Recap

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As our team of Barry and friends looks into the mysteries of Harrison Wells, it appears that Caitlin isn’t as on board with the process as Barry would like. She thinks that Harrison’s change after his wife died is all about his grief rather than the actual transformation of Eobard Thawne into Harrison Wells.

Also, why I’m thinking of it, is the man who turned into Harrison Wells somehow related to Eddie? Their names are far too similar.

But that’s not really the problem of the week is it? The metahuman is someone who can transform themselves into anyone they want and so that metahuman’s gone off on robbing banks.

Joe and Cisco head out to Starling City to see what happened to Harrison all those years before, have a very awkward moment with Captain Lance and Laurel (where she reveals she’s Black Canary to get Cisco’s help with some of Sara’s old tech) and hopefully continue the subtle crossover events between the show for the rest of the season.

But back in Center City, Caitlin wanted to go and see Wells’ situation for herself but Barry steals her away so that she can explain that her life is better because of Harrison Wells and what he did for her reputation.

Our metahuman turned into Eddie as they escaped and ended up shooting two uniformed officers to set Eddie up and keep him from the investigation. That’s never good for our team and neither is watching Joe have a really awkward conversation with Quentin Lance about what it’s like having daughters who don’t always see eye to eye with him. Discovering Wells’ body in a ditch doesn’t help Joe’s budding relationship with Quentin

Caitlin – doing a great job of being a capable scientist – has a way to stop the shape-shifter from changing, but she tells the shifter how she wants to do that even after she thinks that something’s wrong with Barry. Not!Barry’s really creepy when it comes to Caitlin and I wish she’d realize that this kissing business is not the Barry she knows and to run far away from him.

Iris also does her capable reporter thing and figures out that people have been wrongly accused of crimes for months and even sees that Eddie wasn’t the one shooting since Eddie’s not left-handed. Harrison shoots the shifter with a taser, but before Caitlin can give the shifter the anecdote, he shifts into a young girl and escapes. Hey Iris and Caitlin, you’re both awesome, why didn’t you just use the serum before driving to CCPD?

Laurel gets her new sonic device from Cisco and he gets a photograph of the two of them together.

Too bad Caitlin’s now too scared of Barry after what Hannibal Bates as not!Barry had done with her. Did we need a creepy story about how Caitlin doesn’t get a choice after all that she’s been through? Barry’s fight with Hannibal is pretty awesome, and only gets some down-marks for having Hannibal shift into Caitlin and Iris as a ploy to not have Barry attack.

Only after Cisco runs the DNA on the body twice does Caitlin believe that Dr Wells isn’t actually Dr Wells, but now that she knows, what happens for everyone else? Or for what matter what are Cisco, Caitlin and Barry going to do when they discover the room that the Reverse Flash has been using all this time? Or when facing Barry’s eventual disappearance?

Roz lives in the Los Angeles area, and has been a long time California girl. Despite her better judgment, she enjoys shows about the shallow sides of her home city, but will also find time to watch iZombie, Jane the Virgin, and much more. With a love of history, she also watches anything that is grounded in real life, including Victoria and black-ish. Having worked with children, she also follows shows she knows they watch (reminding her of those days of yore for her in the process). Contact her at