SCORPION Recap: Postcards From the Edge
I’m a little worried – worried the drama of this episode is going to be tampered by the fact that I already know there is going to be a second season. There is zero chance the show is killing off their main character. I mean for starters how would they open the show? Who would they go on about ad nauseam?
The case of the week is Walter. He was driving like an idiot and he went over the side of a cliff. He’s sort of fine, except one move and he will go plummeting to his death. After 8 hours of no response from Walter what is left of the team gets worried that something might actually be wrong.
Of course they manage to track the car, screaming Walter’s name until he wakes up and answers his phone. Now he just has to stay completely still while they figure out a way to get him out of this.
Using a drone they get a visual of Walter. The bad news, he’s got a huge piece of metal in his back. The worse news Toby and Happy manage to piss off the cops that arrive leaving Sylvester to call Gallo. Cabe gets there all badass in his sunglasses and I can only assume library card (it is actually his scuba certification) as his ID as he gave his badge to his stupid boss before quitting Homeland a little earlier in the episode. He doesn’t really need the badge because he just exudes authority and he takes over the scene.
Walter takes this moment to make up with Gallo, apparently a very possible impending death makes you want to set things right.
Not to ruin their moment but the car starts to smoke and flame. Here comes the interesting and by interesting I mean slightly unbelievable fix/science. Happy uses a water hose from a fire truck as a propulsion mechanism to shoot a taped together set of needles at the gas tank of the car. Of course she lands them and the fuel drains away…no more fire.
In order to compensate for the fuel that is now gone Walter needs to move. When he shifts back the metal that is impaling his back comes out leaving Walter in imminent danger of bleeding out. The crazy fix for this is to have Walter take a pen out of the glove box, press it in the cigarette lighter and cauterize his own wound. With a pen. Heated in a cigarette lighter.
Meanwhile Paige and Ralph are at the airport heading to Maine as they are moving there soon. On the news they see the story of Walter hanging off the cliff. Paige grabs Ralph and they race to the scene. Walter keeps asking for her, but she doesn’t have her cell phone on so they don’t know she is on the way.
Issue number three comes in the way of a crow. I hate birds, they creep me out so for me this is the worst of the issues. If the crow flies away the car will shift and Walter will plummet. Happy has the fix for this too, of course. Cabe will be hooked up to the crane Happy “borrowed” from the construction site down the road. He will swing out over the cliff, grab Walter and pull him from the car.
Paige and Ralph arrive as Cabe is being swung out over Walter. Walter is about to confess what I assume is his love for Paige when the crow (evil bastard) flies off shifting the car off the cliff. Thankfully Cabe makes it just in time and lifts Walter out of the car to safety.
At the hospital the team waits for Walter to wake up. He is weak but he is going to be okay. The team files in to see him before he drifts back off to sleep. After the drugs take over everyone but Paige leaves for the evening. Paige stays behind to kiss a knocked out Walter. She says, “I really care about you Walter.” It wasn’t the love proclamation I was hoping for but it will work. Looks like the team is back together again. Nothing like a near death experience to bring people together.
Scorpion will be back for a second season on CBS