Nice Boys

Nice Boy of the Week: Greyston Holt

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Our Nice Boy this week is Greyston Holt. The Canadian born actor can be seen on his current show Bitten which airs its second season Friday, April 17, on Syfy.

In contrast to his brooding character Clay, Greyston is what my editor would call “cheeky”. Check out our Q&A below:

Q. What is Clayton’s nicest quality?
Greyston Holt: His loyalty.

Q. Is there anything you would change about Clayton? If so, what and why?
GH: I’d like it if he did more domestic things naked, such as cooking, taking out the trash, ironing etc.

Q. What words of wisdom do you, Greyston, live by?
GH: I’ve always believed that if you don’t hurt anybody or anything emotionally or physically, you’re OK in my books. Really, what else matters? I don’t care if you like to rub rotten fish over your body while dancing to polka on the back of a galloping horse. I don’t judge.

Q. Favorite charity?
GH: I donate monthly to The British Columbia Children’s Hospital and to Amnesty International. I believe we all deserve a healthy childhood and human rights has been something I’ve always been passionate about.

Q. What’s the nicest thing a fan has ever done for you?
GH: Many of our fans have made some pretty amazing drawings and paintings of our characters. It’s also nice to see the viewing parties some of our fans organize.

See if Clayton gets naked when Bitten season 2 premieres Friday, April 17 at 9/8c on Syfy.

Leah reads constantly, sing incessantly and watches TV what her Mother would consider an unhealthy amount. You can find her on twitter @IamPollyP or contact her via email at